Redes Sociais

By Mrs. Jessie Penn- Lewis


The name of Jessie Penn-Lewis often occurs in works related to the Welsh revival of 1904, not surprisingly, as she was a major chronicler of the movement. She wrote an article each week in the "The Life of Faith," tracing the course of the spiritual movement first throughout Wales, and then through many lands and by many individuals. She contributed to a number of periodicals and produced her own history of the revival called 'The Awakening in Wales - and Some of its Hidden Springs.' She is also well known for her extreme caution regarding what she perceived to be possible demonic intrusions in the developing Pentecostal work of her day, and her later involvement with Evan Roberts.

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IN the days of the primitive Church it was considered necessary that a full and authentic record should be written concerning the coming of the Holy Ghost, and all the mighty workings which followed His descent into the upper room at Jerusalem.

When the right time comes such a treatise concerning the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Wales in 1904-1905 will be found necessary, for Wales is "making history "—Divine history—these days. Doubtless, also, the Lord Himself is preparing a "Luke" for this service!

In view, then, of future history, it becomes the bounden duty of each one with authentic information to contribute his or her quota to the common fund. Such a duty lies on me because I have for the past few years been on the "watch-tower," watching the movements of God, and I may not withhold from the Church of God what my eyes have seen of His "mighty works" preparing and leading up to this awakening, which we trust and pray may be the beginning of the wider fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel.

The greater part of all that I have written in the following pages is from first-hand information, which has come in such a way that I could not fail to see the Lord directing it to me for the purpose of this story, and I am greatly indebted to the clergy, ministers, and others, who have sent me various accounts of the work, in some instances having to translate from Welsh to English—demanding no little labour and time in the midst of other pressing claims. I have thought it best to omit all names with the exception of those already publicly connected with the Revival, although I recognize that in the days of Pentecost the story was told in all its simplicity of truth— with no thought of honour to the instruments of God as "they rehearsed all things that God had done with them." To obtain a wide vision I have also sought to write from the view-point of the Mount of God. The Spouse in Canticles cries to the sister-bride, "Come with Me (and) look from the top." May we heed His call, and" ascend into the hill of the Lord," and "stand in His holy place," whence we may watch in the world" The voice of the Lord hewing out flames of fire," and "breaking the cedars." But it is obvious that the following pages cannot possibly unfold all that the Lord has wrought in the prayermovement, or His inner workings in the Principality of Wales. Indeed, the story of His marvellous workings in each of the few centres I have briefly referred to would easily fill a Chapter of themselves.

I have only placed on record what I know of some of the springs of the Revival—springs to a great extent hitherto unseen by the world, and I do this not only for the sake of future history, but because it is of the most vital importance that the people of God should discern the true inwardness of God's workings, lest they be occupied with the outward manifestations, and seek to copy that which only can be produced by God Himself when His people obey the conditions of blessing. With this special object in view I have chosen, out of the quantity of material in my hands, to record those instances of the working of God which emphasise the aspect I have enlarged upon in my last chapter, i.e., that God works from the midst of a Spirit-filled people out upon the world. If the "Revival Dawn" in Wales is to increase to noon-day power, all who long for worldwide Revival must see to it that they hasten the day by personally entering the Spirit-filled life, whilst congregations must seek—what may never have entered their minds before as possible—to have their "Pentecost."

As I close I cannot refrain from referring to a "romantic coincidence" which has come to me personally within the last year in the renewal of my childhood's friendship with Dr. Cynddylan Jones. As a girl of fourteen I was the little companion of Dr. Jones and my father, who together were convalescents in a Hydropathic Establishment near Bath, after serious illness. My father was taken to the heavenly home, and Dr. Jones was left to continue his ministry for God, little dreaming that the child who played around him in those days would, in later years, have the privilege and joy of linked service with him in telling the story of a great revival in their native land May the Eternal Spirit use the messages toward the fulfilling of His desire to lead the Church of God back to Calvary and to Pentecost. Then shall "the glory of the Lord be revealed, and all flesh see it together, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

Jessie Penn-Lewis


Introduction By Dr. J. Cynddylan Jones.

Chapter 1 The First Pentecost In Jerusalem And Joel's Prophecy—The
Prayer-Movement—The Prayer Circles In 1902—The Renewed
Preaching Of The Cross.

Chapter 2 - The Principality Of Wales—The Prophet Of The Revival—His
Last Message To Wales In 1903—The First Llandrindod
Convention In August, 1903.

Chapter 3 - The Life-Stream At New Quay In February, 1904— The Second
Convention At Llandrindod, August, 1904—A Midnight Prayer-
Meeting—The Rivers Rising In The Autumn.

Chapter 4 - New Quay In September, 1904—The Blaenanerch Convention—
The Spirit-Baptism Of Evan Roberts— Loughor In November,
1904—The Tidal Wave And Its Results.

Chapter 5 - The Overflowing Streams Through Divers Channels— How The
Holy Spirit Wrought In Many Centres— The General Effect On
The Churches.

Chapter 6 - The Life-Streams In North Wales—Some Traces At Ponkey In
June, 1904— The Tidal Wave At Rhos, November, 1904—The
Healing Of The Breach At Bethesda.

Chapter 7 - The Message To The Church—The Object Lesson In Wales—The
Place Of Calvary In The Awakening


Wales is a land of periodic revivals. In the middle of the eighteenth century "a love coal from off the altar" touched the lips of Daniel Rowlands, a clergyman of the Church of England, and inspired him with a fervour which no opposition could quench. The genteel and respectable Christians of the period called him the "cracked clergyman" of Liangeitho. But if he were cracked, the Welsh nation has reason to be for ever grateful, for through the "cracks" he beheld God and Eternity, and the vision filled his soul with boundless enthusiasm. In a few years all Wales was ablaze. People from far and near came to witness the stirring effects of his preaching; the hearers wept and shouted, thus outraging all the proprieties. Did that marvellous Revival leave anything behind it of permanent value to the nation? Yes. First, as the Revival in England left behind it a new religious Communion, the great Wesleyan Methodist Church, so in Wales it created a new denomination, the Calvinistic Methodist Church, which in numbers, influence, and learning, ranks with the foremost of the denominations in the country. Second, it gave Wales its Hymnology. Till then the nation had no hymns. Now we have a heritage of hymns rich beyond compare. These hymns revitalised the religious life, and as a consequence the nation has moved on a higher level ever since.

That movement in course of time expended its force. But in the beginning of the last century another Revival started. John Elias with his theological sermons, Christmas Evans with his poetical sermons, and Williams of Wern with his philosophical sermons, travelled the country, proclaiming the doctrines of grace, each in his own way, overpowering their hearers, throwing them into a religious ecstasy, and once again the large congregation shouted and sang with joy. All Wales was like a boiling cauldron. Gradually the flames of emotion died out. What was left— ashes? By no means; that convulsion in the spiritual experience of the population raised the national life to a higher level. Emotionalism? Aye; but it fed the roots of intellect, infused new life into the Tree of Knowledge as well as the Tree of Life.

However it be among other nations, in Wales the Life is always the Light. As the first Revival gave us our Hymnology, so the second gave us our Theology. Probably there were not men learned enough to write standard books of their own, but there were many able to translate the standard works of other authors. Accordingly, under the influence of this Revival, were rendered into the vernacular of Wales, Dr. Owen on the "Person of Christ," "Justification," and the "Work of the Holy Spirit "; Matthew Henry's Commentary, and a number of other Puritan books. Under its influence Bunyan's Pilgrim learned to speak Welsh on his journey to the Celestial City! In the absence of light literature, the farmers and the peasantry spent their long winter evenings pondering over these books, discussing their teaching in their adult Sunday Schools and their week evening meetings, with the inevitable result that they became thoroughly grounded in the fundamental doctrines of Salvation. Puritanism entered the blood of the Welshman, it still colours his every thought, and can never be expelled. Hence his aversion to rites and ceremonies—to all appeals to his aesthetic nature, and his readiness on the other hand to respond to all appeals to his spiritual nature.

In 1850 the enthusiasm of the former days had quite died out. Church life was placid even to torpidity. The elderly men and women were calling to mind the years of the right Hand of the Almighty, and sighing for a wee bit of a breeze. And in 1859 the third Revival broke out. Humphrey Jones, a young Wesleyan minister, catching the fire of the American Revival, crossed the ocean to convey the flame to his native land. He held prayer and preaching meetings; all the countryside in North Cardigan was talking of the young Revivalist. Alas! his bodily frame could not stand the strain, and in three or four months his nervous system broke down, and he could never face a congregation again. But he had not laboured in vain, for before his collapse he had imparted the fire to a neighbour of his, the Rev. David Morgan, a Calvinistic Methodist minister, a man of splendid physique. The transformation wrought in the latter was simply miraculous. That which I know I speak, for I was an eye-witness of it all. He toured the country from Holyhead to Cardiff, spoke as one inspired, towered high above all his compeers during the three years of his strange uplifting. Crowds hung upon his lips, the ungodly cried out in agony of soul, the saints shouted for joy—their noise was like the noise of many waters. All the country was aflame. It is computed that about 100,000 converts were added to the churches.

There were critics and scoffers then as now. "If, therefore, the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak, and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? " (1 Cor. xiv. 23). Literally, will they not say that ye are under the influence of a demon? That probably was the criticism of unbelievers on the revival in Corinth; that certainly was their criticism on the revival of rang in Wales! Fortunately there were others, more sensitive to spiritual influences, who replied, "Well, well, if this be the work of the devil, he must be a very new devil to Wales. The old one sent the people to the public-houses, the new sends them to the churches; the old made them dance and swear, the new makes them leap and praise."

By their fruits ye shall know them." Emotionalism, extravagance—yes; but they burnt out the old impurities. Wales was lifted high on the crest of that revival wave; when the wave subsided, what was left—froth? No, but higher aspirations after holiness and an intense love of learning. Since then the number of worshipping places has been doubled, thousands of schools have been built, and three national colleges established— all having their roots in the revivification of the religious life of nearly fifty years ago. The first Revival gave us our Hymnology, the second our Theology, the third our educational system, which competent authorities pronounce to be second to none in the world to-day. Every Revival, like the overflowing of the Nile, leaves a rich deposit behind to fertilize the national character.

That memorable Revival in the roll of the years spent its force. For the last ten years the spiritual life in our churches was becoming more and more depressed. Our best spirits were lamenting the impending lapse of our fatherland into barbarism. Earnest crying was made unto heaven. For months we felt there was a vague, indefinite, mysterious something in the air—a going in the top of the mulberry trees. The godly mothers and maidens were the first to feel the return of the tide, which for the last few months have swept all before it. The story of this fourth Revival will be told in the following pages by one in complete sympathy with all spiritual movements, and possessing the advantage of understanding thoroughly the generous impulses of the Celtic heart and the subtle windings of the Celtic brain. But I may be allowed to indicate two or three of its outstanding features.

  1. It is independent of all human organisations – straight from heaven. Missions are revivals. Men can organise the former, not the latter, and it is a pity the distinction should be so often over-looked. Man's method of saving the world is by costly and complicated machinery-salvation by mechanics; but God's method is by vital energy-salvation by dynamics. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power, the dynamic, of God unto salvation" (Romans i.16). St. Paul, the missionary, relying upon prayer and the dynamic power of the Gospel, changed the face of the Roman Empire. And in Wales to-day all is spontaneous. The dynamite is working, explosion follows explosion, and already scores of thousands of rough, hard stones have been loosened from the quarry of corrupt humanity, and where explosion frequent and powerful take place, is it to be wondered at that there is tumult and confusion? Better the confusion of the city than the order of the cemetery.

  2. Much importance is attached to the work of the Spirit, at least in its initial stages. Heretofore the work of Christ has been the all-important truth, to the exclusion to a large extent of the doctrine of the Spirit. Much emphasis has been laid on receiving Christ, scant stress on receiving the Spirit. Now, however, the question is coming to the forefront, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" (Acts xix. 2). There were thousands of believers in our churches, who like the disciples St. Paul met at Ephesus, had received Christ, but had never received the Holy Ghost. The mark of Christ's blood was upon them, but where was the mark of the Spirit's anointing? Saved themselves, they made no attempt to save others. The present Revival, however, whilst not obscuring the doctrine of the Cross, has brought into prominence the doctrine of the Spirit. Thousands of Christians, who had received the Christ, have now received the Holy Ghost, and as a consequence they are filled with the spirit of service—no task seems to them too hard for Christ's sake. Whilst this doctrine is by no means new to theology, in the present movement it has assumed a new forms at least in experience. Orthodoxy has always conceded that conscience speaks within us; but in practice we have effected too wide a separation between conscience and the Holy Spirit. This Revival has again united these. " Something tells me to do this and avoid that," says the man. "Some Thing," answers the young Revivalist, "why don't you be honest? Why don't you say Some One? " And the Revivalist is right. A Thing can never speak. It is not Some Thing but Some One who speaks, none other than the Third Person in the Holy Trinity. Does not this invest conscience with grand sacredness? We all believe in the need of the Spirit to regenerate and sanctify—— to accomplish the great tasks of life, the works which we know no human power can effect; but alas! We are not in the habit of introducing the Spirit into the common acts of our every day life. But the Scripture teaches us to seek the Spirit's guidance in all things—He is the source of all prudence and wisdom.

  3. The third feature is enthusiasm, a feature common to all Revivals. Many Christians who love gentility and moderation would like to receive the baptism of the Spirit without the baptism of Fire. But what God has joined cannot be sundered. "He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire " (Matt. iii. II); there is the verse—what will you do with it? There is only one preposition in the original, not two as in the English, to show the identity of the two baptisms, or rather that there is but one. Wherever the Spirit descends He brings fire in His train. "There appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Hearts of Fire and Tongues of Flame. Is enthusiasm permissible in every department of life, but forbidden in church life? A thousand times, No. How speaks the Apostle ? "Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Fervent, literally, boiling. " Boiling in spirit." Let none be ashamed of "boiling" in the service of the Saviour. At all events I prefer the congregations that boil over to the congregations that will not boil at all. "The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Literally, the boiling prayer. The cold prayer even of a good man will avail nothing in heaven or on earth, but the boiling prayer of a righteous man has ere now performed wonders, and will perform them again.

How very cold and formal the prayers of the Church have been for many a long year! But for the last four months there has been everywhere a marked change—the prayers have been boiling and whole multitudes have been thrown into a state of extraordinary fervour. It rejoices me to see the rising generation boiling with a great enthusiasm in the service of Christ—the mark of the " boiling will be on them as long as they live. None are the same after boiling as before. Hundreds of our young men and women had been brought up religiously in the home and the church; but their religion was cold, format, following routine. Hardly any of them had courage enough to bow the knee in public; prayer, with the inevitable consequence that only aged men engaged publicly in the weekly prayer meetings.

Behold the difference! Now our young people flock to the services, prayers flow spontaneously from their lips like water from the spring, praise ascends to heaven like the carol of birds in spring. No forcing, no inviting— spontaneity characterises the proceedings from beginning to end. No one is ashamed of confessing Christ as his or her Saviour— rather the shame is on the other side. All the chapels are crowded, the valleys and mountains ring with praise. The following story will show how gamblers refuse money won by bets made before conversion, how prize-fighters are now soul winners, how thieves restore stolen goods, how husbands return to their deserted homes, how enemies are made friends. Scores of pages can be filled with as striking conversions as any in the annals of the Christian Church.

Do we justify the extravagances? Not more than Paul justified them at Corinth (I Cor. xiv.)! We know what they mean, are able to interpret the tongues. Out of the confusion will emerge order and beauty and life. All criticisms are met by the prophet's question, "What is the chaff to the wheat? " (Jer. xxiii. 28).


Dyma Gariad

The "love song" of the Revival.
(English rendering by Principal Edwards, Cardiff)
Here is Love, vast as the ocean,
Loving kindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life our ransom
Shed for us His precious blood;
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can newer be forgotten
Through Heaven's everlasting days.
On the Mount of Crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Though the floodgates of Gods mercy
flowed a vast and gracious tide;
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And heaven's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.


Chapter I

The First Pentecost In Jerusalem And Joel's Prophecy

The Prayer-Movement
The Prayer Circles In 1902
The Renewed Preaching Of The Cross

AFTER the tragedy of Calvary, and the magnificent Resurrection and Ascension of Him Who is now alive for evermore, the Ascended Lord sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on High, and received of the Father the "promise of the Holy Ghost" for His redeemed ones as the fruit of His Cross and Passion. He then poured Him forth upon the company of men and women gathered together with one accord in the upper room in Jerusalem—the city where He was crucified. Giving them commandment "through the Holy Ghost," almost His last words to them before He ascended had been "I send forth the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city, until ye be clothed with power from on high."

Returning from Mount Olivet to Jerusalem they set themselves to obey, and with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer until at last the day dawned, and the Holy Ghost came as the "rushing of a mighty breath." The word used to describe His advent is significant. The breath of the Spirit is spoken of by the Lord Jesus to Nicodemus when He told him that men dead in sin must have a new birth—a birth from above which would come by the breathing of the Spirit of Life upon them, so that they are begotten of God. And "the Spirit breatheth where He listeth! Men could hear and see the effects as with the wind, but not know "whence it cometh and whither it goeth."

Later on we read that on the first Easter Day the Risen Lord stood in the midst of His disciples, and, showing them His hands and His side scarred with the marks of Calvary, breathed on them, saying "Receive ye," or, as it is literally, "Take ye the Holy Ghost."

We cannot doubt that the disciples received the Holy Ghost when the Risen Lord breathed upon them, but their immediate after-life shows that it was not the energising for service and clothing with Divine power, which the Lord so expressly bade them tarry for ere they attempted witnessing for Him. The breathing upon them of the Holy Ghost on the first Easter Day seems to have been the "earnest," or preparation for the Pentecostal fullness of the Divine Spirit, and they would have sorely failed to enter into His greater purposes for them had they said "But we received the Holy Ghost on the day of His resurrection!" and not waited at Jerusalem until they were "baptised in the Holy Ghost," or clothed with Him, as the Lord had promised.

But they obeyed and tarried, possibly scarce knowing what the outcome would be, until suddenly there came from heaven a "rushing mighty breath." The breath of God which gives the new birth to every believer, now came forth with such force and volume that it filled the very atmosphere of the house where they were sitting. The believers were now, so to speak, submerged in the Holy Ghost, as well as indwelt by Him. In this intensely surcharged atmosphere the Divine Spirit became manifest— apparently to sight as well as hearing—and there appeared unto them tongues like as of fire "distributing themselves," and resting upon each one present, until each—no matter what the temperament, education, training, position, sex, or age might be—" began to speak" as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The city of Jerusalem knew nothing of the little company quietly meeting and praying in the upper room! But now they could not be hid. Hearing the sound of voices the multitude came together, and saw the Spirit-filled company so manifestly under the control of some power which lifted them out of themselves that some said "They are filled with new wine," whilst all were amazed and marvelled, saying, "Are not all these which speak Galileans? "— untaught, uncultured people from the province of Galilee.

The world had been going on its way, ignorant of all that God was silently working in the spiritual realm to bring about the counsels of the ages.

But now! "What meaneth this? " cries the gathering multitude. Ah, momentous things had happened in the unseen realm, and all that had been wrought by the death of the God-Man at Calvary must now be made manifest to the world that crucified Him! The Third Person of the Godhead, the Eternal Spirit of the Father, comes forth to bear witness to the Crucified and Risen Lord, and clothe human beings with Divine authority as His messengers.

In answer to the charge of being filled with wine Peter rose to speak—the very man who just a fortnight before had denied his Lord in that same city. Speaking under the constraint of the Divine Spirit, he said, "This is that which hath been spoken by the prophet Joel:- "And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy . . . . on My servants, and on My handmaidens in those days will I pour forth of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy."

Let us mark the words, for they vitally concern the people of God to-day. "This is that which hath been spoken by the prophet Joel," said the Apostle. Not "this is the entire fulfilment of the prophecy." It is written " I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh," and this speaks of a larger circle than one hundred and twenty men and women. Yea, a larger circle than even the three thousand and five thousand souls, and "multitudes" more of men and women so quickly "added to the Lord." The words undoubtedly foretell a wider fulfilment of the prophecy than took place at Pentecost.

Joel said "in those days will I pour out My Spirit." The expression "is in the long Hebrew tense, expressing continuance of action, literally an incoming, unfinished, and continuous outpouring.' It therefore appears that the words '' in those days cover the whole dispensation of the Spirit, beginning with the day of Pentecost. The purpose of God was manifestly a beginning in the upper room; and a continuing upon wider and wider circles as the overflowing stream of life reached the "uttermost parts of the earth "; but alas, alas, the Church, instead of abiding in a Pentecostal condition, drifted further and further away from it. Nevertheless the Word of God standeth sure. The Church shall be brought back to her Pentecost when she knows her need and turns to the Lord.

In the prophecy of Joel we see foreshadowed under the figure of "rain" the work of the Holy Ghost. Joel speaks of the Lord's response to the cry of His people, when He would cause to come down for them the "former rain " and the "latter rain", then AFTERWARD should come the outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh, and a time of such manifestly supernatural workings of the Spirit, that whosoever would simply "call" on the name of the Lord should be delivered. The "former rain" was always given in Palestine to cause the seed sown to germinate and grow into maturity. The "latter rain" was looked for as essential to the plumping out of the grain for its ripening and fitting for harvest. How clear the forecast of the purposes of God toward His people in the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

We need not now attempt to trace the Divine movements in the world preceding the first Pentecost. Were we to do so, we should find them strikingly parallel with those in recent years, when the condition of the professing Christian Church has become similar to the Jewish Church at the close of the dispensation before the Messiah appeared. It will be sufficient for us to emphasise that Joel's prophecy clearly sets forth the preparation of the people of God by a seeking unto God in prayer. We read that they are brought by His providential dealings to a consciousness of their need, and are summoned to leave all their interests, and with one accord to seek His face; then would come the Lord's response in overflow of personal blessing, and the pouring out of His Spirit in such measure that the world should be touched, and sinners call upon the Lord. The first Pentecost at Jerusalem exactly fulfilled this forecast. Bereft of the One Who had been with them in bodily presence as Teacher and Guide; faced with His command to go forth and disciple all nations; conscious of their powerlessness to fulfil this commission, and of their lack of position, culture, knowledge, and all the resources which would command the attention of the world to their message, the little company of disciples gathered with one accord to pray until they were equipped with power from on high.

PRAYER preceded the first Pentecost, and PRAYER must precede the wider outpouring of the Spirit in the last days, therefore the true members of Christ all over the world must be drawn by the Spirit within them into one accord in asking God to pour forth His Spirit according to His word. The extent of the one will govern the extent of the other, for prayer prepares the channels for the Holy Spirit to fill, and flow out through into the world.

The question therefore arises as to whether there has been in recent years any indication of the special preparation of the Church for the wider fulfilment of Joel's prophecy. If we find this to be so, our faith will be strengthened, and our vision cleared, to see that the Revival in Wales may be the beginning of the "latter rain" which shall prepare the Church of God for the Lord's appearing, and draw into the kingdom all who willeth to be saved.

To obtain a wide vision, let us in heart and mind now ascend into the secret place of the Most High, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, and look out with Him upon the world, and watch the movings of His Spirit among His people. We may only find the veil lifted here and there, and obtain but glimpses into His workings, but these will suffice to give insight into His preparations over the earth for the fulfilment of His purposes toward men.

We will go in thought back to the year 1898 or 1899, and glancing into an Institute in America see gathered there three to four hundred children of God, meeting every Saturday night to pray for a "world-wide revival." In this Institute we find men and women from every clime seeking equipment for the preaching of the Gospel. Their hearts yearn over their own lands, and "world-wide" must be the blessing which they seek. After a time a few began to stay in prayer late at night, and ceased not until the early hours of the Sabbath morning. Among them was one who was their Leader. Conscious that they who pray must be ready to be instrumental in answering their own prayers, he offers himself to God for any special service in the bringing about of the prayed-for Revival.

Rapidly we cross in vision to another far-away land, and in Australia find a band of ministers and laymen who have met for eleven whole years every Saturday afternoon, pleading with God for a "big revival." In the wondrous chain of the Divine workings, we next see a messenger called out from the heart of the praying company in America, to be one of the instruments in Australia, of God answering these prayers—the very one who had laid himself at the feet of the Lord of the harvest, ready for all His commands.

In 1901 we look into the great city of Melbourne, and see fifty missioners holding services in fifty different centres of the city, whilst 40,000 praying souls meet in two thousand homes for "home" prayer meetings, encircling the city with prayer. Many meet for half nights of prayer, and Melbourne is moved from end to end by the mighty movings of the Spirit of God.

We come again in swift thought back to Great Britain, and look in at the huge meetings of five thousand Christians gathered at Keswick in July, 1902. Hark! The story of the "home prayer circles" around Melbourne is being told. Hearts of workers are burdened and sad. Weary of organisation and effort, no fresh "Prayer Union" would appeal to them, but quickly the spark from the fire in Australia falls into many hearts. "Home prayer circles!" The "twos and threes" of those who are truly burdened for "world-wide revival!" Ah, this is the call of God! If a city may be thus girdled with prayer, why not the world? Quickly are the names of those who are drawn of God to pray sent in from all parts of the earth, until thousands of praying hearts were circling the globe with prayer. It is God's prayer union gathered and guided by Him, with no organization, no membership fee, no staff, but just the few who register the names as a labour of love for souls. And the prayer was now for the "outpouring of the Spirit!" In other words, a Pentecost to the Church of God.

Just one month earlier, in far-away India the Divine Spirit laid the same burden upon the servants of God, and guided them—without any conscious connection with the prayer-movement in other lands —to form a prayer-circle of those who would unite to plead for the outpoured Spirit upon that dark and needy land. Manifestly the Spirit of God was simultaneously moving the people of God in various parts of the world to pray for the same thing, and creating the cry for that which He was preparing to do.

Later we shall see how the year 1902, when the circles of prayer were formed, stands out as the time when world-wide the praying people of God—— including, we doubt not, many prayer-groups, and praying hearts, not visibly linked with the world wide circles—united in one accord to ask for the promised Pentecost.

It is significant also that in this year of 1902 a pamphlet entitled "A Revival Call to the Churches" was issued, and obtained a wide circulation, and another pamphlet called "Back to Pentecost," issued the same year, showed how God was leading the thoughts of His people, and preparing them for His purposes of grace.

Can we discern any immediate effects of the world-girdling prayer? Within a year there began to be signs of awakening in various quarters, and the "Voice of the Lord" was "upon the waters," but not yet any movement of the Spirit which could be said to bear to the eyes of the world the characteristics of Pentecost.

As in the days of Anna and Simeon, there were many hidden souls in the secret of His counsels. One such was present at Keswick at the time of the call to prayer. She had offered herself to Him some two years before this for the special service of intercession, and the story of His dealings is best told in her own words:-

"I had read words to this effect, 'If even one life could be fully surrendered to God to use as He wanted for prayer, most wonderful results would follow—and He needs such an one.' Then I knelt down, and very humbly told Him if He would take me and use me for prayer, I would be willing. When I said fully from my heart, 'Yes, Lord,' it seemed as if a hand was placed on me pressing me lower and lower, until I had no life left in me—and I wept.

For some months I was used for prayer in small things, but one day about six months later all was utter darkness. As usual I went to Him, but the darkness continued for about a week. Then one morning, about ten o'clock, the agony became terrible, and I cried, 'Lord, what is it?' He answered, 'Come with Me, and I will show you the sin in this place.' We seemed to go into all the worst parts of the district, and I saw sin as never before. I cried out for the people. The prayer was, '0 Lord, send a Revival into this place.' Then came perfect peace until the next morning at the same time, when the Lord called me again, and took me further afield. The same thing happened for a whole week until I was agonizing for a ' World-wide Revival,' as He took me into places where the Gospel had never been heard. Then all this ceased.

From this time I was watching for the Revival, and wondering how the Lord would send it. When we heard of any special one being used, I went to the Lord and said, 'Is this Thine instrument, Lord?' and He answered, ' Only one, child. Again I went about another much-used soul, and the same answer came, with this addition, 'I have something more than this.' At Keswick in 1902—the first I had ever attended—'Prayer Circles' were announced for a 'World-wide Revival.' Then I went to the Lord and cried, 'Lord, why must they pray for what Thou hast already promised?' Then He said, 'This Revival is an accomplished fact in My Kingdom,' and I said, 'Why does it not come, Lord, without these Prayer Circles? He replied, 'I am ready, but My children are not. Before it comes they must preach the word of the Cross—the message of Calvary.'

"I am ready, but My children are not," shows that the world-wide circles of prayer were mainly necessary for the purpose of creating desire among the people of God, and preparing the channels for the coming "rain." "They must preach the Cross," tells us also that God Himself cannot send "Revival" until the Gospel of Calvary is proclaimed. But now with one accord the cry has ascended to heaven. The Christ upon His Throne is ready to bless. The blood of the Son of God which has been "trodden under foot," and counted "a common thing," shall be borne witness to from heaven.

Whither shall we now turn our eyes to see His workings. Can we perceive a marked renewal of the preaching of the Cross? Yea, verily. Early in 1903 the records in the papers showed on every side that the messengers of God were being led by Him to proclaim afresh the message of Calvary. At annual meetings, opening services, and special conferences, the key-note again and again was the "Need for direct preaching of the Cross," whilst a well-known religious paper remarked that there were "welcome signs of reversal to the old Gospel of Calvary."

In the light of all this it is significant to find that at the Keswick Convention of 1903, when the windows of heaven were opened, and the Holy Spirit swept as an overflowing stream over the huge gatherings of five thousand men and women—many of them come from distant parts of the earth to seek the power of the Holy Ghost—He unveiled to them in fresh and vivid power the Cross of Calvary, for almost every servant of God entrusted with His messages proclaimed with one accord the "Word of the Cross" as the power of God to save from the bondage as well as the guilt of sin, and "crucified with Christ" as the secret of deliverance was the theme on every hand.*

In 1902 the Holy Ghost had drawn His people to pray for a World-wide Revival, and in 1903 the Eternal Spirit broke forth upon the people of God gathered from the ends of the earth, and leads them back to CALVARY. Moreover, in this same year of 1903, in far-away India the Spirit of God unveiled to one of His honoured servants the Cross of Calvary in new and vivid power, revealing to him that for forty years He had been preparing him for the work of sending forth the "Word of the Cross to every tongue and tribe and nation," in millions of booklets containing the full-orbed message of Calvary.

Yes, truly prayer must prepare God's people for the moving forth of the Spirit in Pentecostal power, and when the Holy Spirit comes forth He bears witness to Calvary, as in the days of the first Pentecost in Jerusalem.

Oh! send Thy Holy Spirit, Lord,
In Jesu's blessed name,
Oh ! let Thy Spirit now descend
In tongues of sacred flame!
According to Thy promise, Lord,
Shed freely from above
The Holy Spirit in His strength
To manifest Thy love.


Chapter II.

The Principality Of Wales

The Prophet Of The Revival
- His Last Message To Wales In 1903 - The First
Llandrindod Convention In August, 1903.

"The sound of abundance of rain." I KINGS xviii. 41.

BUT where in these days can be found the conditions necessary for the mighty working of God? It must be, and can only be, where the Atonement of Christ is proclaimed, and the Scriptures accepted sincerely as the Word of the living God.

We look towards the little Principality of Wales, and find these conditions there. Speaking generally the pulpit has been true to the Evangelical faith in all its essentials, and the gospel of the grace of God has been faithfully preached to the people. The nation has clung, as a whole, to the faith of their fathers—the exception being the few who have been touched by the spirit of criticism and unbelief so prevalent in other lands. True the people may have been living upon the traditions of the past, yet there has not been departure from the "faith once for all delivered to the saints." Wales has also had special advantages in its Sunday schools, where people of all ages gathered to learn the Word of God, and earnest efforts were directed to make the teaching effectual by systematic study and Scripture examinations. Then, again, we find the congregational festivals for singing placing the words of hymns full of the message of Calvary into the people's memories. Groups of churches would practice the same selection of hymns through the winter, and then a day would be set apart for a festival under the conductor-ship of a leading musical teacher. The late Joseph Parry, Mus. Doc., said, in conducting one of these festivals not long before he died, that the coming revival would be a singing one! With the Gospel of Calvary in their minds, and the hymns about Calvary in their memories, the nation needed but the breath of God to quicken their traditional faith into living power.

The All-Wise God looks forth upon the world, and finds here in this little country the conditions necessary for the breaking forth of His Spirit in Pentecostal power.

Let us see whether there are traces of the "prayer movement" in the Principality. We do not know whether the story of the world-girdling prayer circles reached many in Wales, but we find the Holy Spirit creating in individuals, and groups of twos and threes, the very same cry He was calling forth all over the world.

In 1901 the Lord drew near to one of His servants in the ministry, and gave him such a revelation of His glory that he cried, like Isaiah, "Woe is me," and entered on a life in God unknown before. Then, in a quiet spot on the banks of a Welsh river, burdened over the spiritual condition of the country, he spent hours in prayer, pleading with God with many tears that He would come forth in power and work in the land. Again, in a quiet town in the western part of Wales, we hear of two and three women meeting together for prayer during several years, pleading for "Revival" among the women of the town.

We go to the Rhondda Valley, where afterwards the Spirit of God swept with great power, and hear of some who for years had been pleading for a Revival which should "sweep over the whole world." We do not wonder that such souls are taken in to the secrets of God, the Holy Spirit saying to one of them just three days before the valley was moved by the mighty tide of life, " Get thee up . . . there is the sound of abundance of rain." We find in Monmouthshire the hand of the Lord upon two sisters, one an invalid, who, during 1903-1904, were burdened over the prevalence of sin, and the increase of crime in the county, one sister saying, tearfully, "I cannot sleep day nor night because my dear Lord is despised and set at naught." Another child of God—a retiring, timid lady— bemoaning the deadness of the churches, said, "I shall die unless God exerts His power, and sends a Revival!"

We hear of three ministers of the Gospel meeting together in May, 1903, for prayer and conference, drawn together by a sense of need; utterly dissatisfied with their own Christian experience, and distressed at the condition of their churches, with worldliness and apathy among their officers and members. Once again we see it is a group of three! They decided to form a "prayer circle," and fixed 10 o'clock each morning as the time to pray for each other and their churches. This prayer-group we shall refer to again, but just here it throws light upon the Spirit drawing forth prayer in Wales in unconscious accord with the world-wide circles of prayer. The Spirit of God was manifestly brooding over the land, and doubtless there are many names recorded in heaven of others burdened with a similar consciousness of need, who were drawn out in Spirittaught prayer, both in the ordinary prayer-meetings of the Churches, and Young People's Societies, as well as alone, with God.

In the momentous year of 1902—the prayer-movement year, we may call it—as we look toward Wales we see also a figure standing out like Moses on Pisgah's mount, beholding the land of far distances. One who has since been called the "prophet of the Revival." The late Dean Howell, of St. David's, or "Llawdden,"—to use his bardic name. A dignitary of the Church of England, like Solomon, he had "largeness of heart even as the sand that is on the sea-shore!" so that he was beloved of all sections of the people as a saintly man of God, a patriot, preacher-orator, and bard. In the closing month of 1902, in his far-away home on the extreme western point of the Principality, at the age of 83, " Llawdden" looks out upon his beloved land. Conscious of standing on the brink of eternity, with earth-born things fading from his gaze, and the light of heaven shining upon him, he sends out a message to his countrymen, since realised to be wondrously prophetic of the Revival.

The Dean first gave a vivid sketch of the spiritual dearth in the land, and then in powerful language emphasised he only remedy to be a spiritual awakening. He appealed to all to "create a circle of implorers" who would cry to God in the words of Isaiah, "Oh, that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, and come down." Then beseeching his readers to consecrate themselves to make a revival the chief end of their desire, he closed with the following memorable words :— "Take notice, if it were known that this was my last message to my fellow-countrymen throughout the length and breadth of Wales before being summoned to judgment, and the light of eternity already breaking over me, and it is this—the chief need of my country, and my dear nation at present is a SPIRITUAL REVIVAL THROUGH A SPECIAL OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY GHOST."

The message was issued in a Welsh Magazine in January, 1903, and caused a deep impression throughout the Principality. It proved indeed to be his last message, for shortly after its issue the aged Dean passed to his heavenly reward.

"A spiritual revival through the outpouring of the Holy Ghost" was just what God was leading His people all over the world to pray for, and even then beginning to send upon the Principality of Wales. But before we watch the rising of the tide we must again return to the "Prayer Circle," Keswick, of 1902.

At Keswick that same year were found two Welsh ministers who told how thirteen Welsh people, gathered in 1896 at the Keswick Convention, met together one afternoon for a prayer meeting for Wales, asking God Himself to give to Wales a similar Convention for the deepening of the spiritual life. For six years this petition lay before the Lord, until in the seventh year—which in the Scriptures always speaks of God's fulness of time—the Lord's time to answer had come.

Again without using any of the usual "machinery" the Spirit of God immediately began to move toward the arrangement of a Conference for Wales, by a series of steps of such remarkable guidance, and wonderful coincidences, that so far as anything can be said to be wrought of God, with the least touch of human hand, so far can it be said that God Himself arranged, and brought to fruition, the Convention which became one of the channels for the rivers of life to Wales. When in September, 1902, the aged Dean was asked whether, in his judgment, the time was ripe for such a Conference for Wales, he stood, and with his hands raised, and his eyes lifted heavenward, he said, "I am an old man on the edge of eternity, and I say that if such a Conference could take place, God-given and not man-made, it would be an incalculable blessing to Wales."

From this time on, with much prayer and wise counsels, he entered into all the detailed arrangements for the Conference, giving his very last strength and labours to the furthering of what he believed would tend to bring about the "spiritual high tide" which he, at this very time, urged upon his countrymen as " the chief need of Wales." Meanwhile the Spirit of God was working in the Principality. We have referred to the group of three ministers who banded together for prayer in May, 1903. They were conscious that the first step to blessing for their churches was to get right with God themselves. They agreed to pray daily, but they could not see clearly the way of the better life. In their perplexity they decided to write to a well-known London minister, begging him, if possible, to find time to meet a company of ministers in Glamorganshire to give them spiritual counsel and help. He replied that he could not come just then, but told them of the coming Conference, when he would gladly give them a private interview.

At the very same time—the spring of 1903—in a district in Glamorganshire, four young men, only 18 years of age, were found on a mountain-side holding a prayer-meeting, and pleading with God for a revival in their church, which was in a cold and formal state, converts being few and far between. It transpired that these young men had held their prayer-meeting on the mountain every night for a month past! When this prayer-circle became known, the majority of the church viewed the proceedings with suspicion, and some ignored or mocked the "enthusiasm" of the lads. But they continued to pray on the mountainside for two whole months, and, to the astonishment of the church, people joined them, and prayed with them, who never visited any place of worship! Some twelve or fourteen were now praying fervently for a revival, until at length the church members were touched, and all became moved with a spirit of prayer and passion for souls. The meetings attended only by four at first now increased to scores, and all testified to the power of God in a special manner.

By this movement among the young people the Pastor himself was drawn to the searching of his own heart and life, asking himself whether he was fully surrendered to Christ, and had received the Holy Ghost. Finally he entered a new plane of spiritual experience and knowledge of the power of God.

There are many other indications of the river of God beginning to rise in the early months of 1903, and unmistakable signs of God working in preparation for some mighty movement of the Spirit. At this crucial point, by the providence of God, came the long-prayed-for Conference, which was held at Llandrindod Wells in August, 1903.

The gatherings were strikingly representative, numbers of clergy and ministers from all parts of the Principality being present, together with some forty of the ministers and evangelists of the "Forward Movement" of the Presbyterian Church of Wales.* So noticeable was the ministerial attendance that a well-known missioner involuntarily remarked, " Wales may be the cradle of the evangelists for the coming Revival!" There was no set programme for the meetings. The messages of the Lord's messengers bore directly upon the experimental aspect of the Holy Spirit's work in the believer. The putting away of all known sin, deliverance through identification with Christ in His death, and the definite reception of the Holy Ghost as an absolute necessity for all in the service of God, was emphasised, and carried home to hearts by the power of God in such intensity, that on the last two days it was manifest to all that the Spirit of God had come down in the midst.

And what of the group of three who had sought the help of the London minister? One wrote: "Six of us went! [to the Conference.] But the history of that week can never be written—some believed, some doubted, some rebelled! But in a few days each one entered the promised land. We have met once a month ever since, coming from long distances, and we spend a quiet day with God. Our meetings have been indescribable, and we have had a number of Pentecosts."

Many of the ministers and workers returned to their various spheres of labours with new visions and new hopes. As one said, "a new world" had opened to them—and they could not but lead others in! Local conventions began to be held in various places, and the ministers themselves became channels of blessing to their fellow ministers. One Pastor writes that later in 1903, he came in contact with one of these, and saw at once that he had a spiritual experience which he himself had not, but which he had for months been seeking. It was not long before he, too, received the fullness of the Holy Ghost.


Chapter III.

The Life-Stream At New Quay In February, 1904

The Second Convention At Llandrindod, August, 1904
- A Midnight Prayer-Meeting
- The Rivers Rising In The Autumn.

"Waters issued out from under the threshold." — EZEK. xlvii, I

ON the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem the Spirit of God came upon all the company gathered in the upper room, but when the multitude came together it was Peter whom He chose to interpret to the people what had happened, but Peter could not have reaped the three thousand souls without the co-service of the one hundred and nineteen who, with him, had been filled with the Holy Ghost.

It has been said of the Awakening in Wales that it is the "Acts of the Apostles up-to-date." And we cannot but think that this is so, not only in its manifestations, but in the way in which the Pentecost has come upon the land. The movement is Divine and Heaven-born—and so was Pentecost. Yet in Jerusalem the Spirit of God did not come first upon the multitudes, but upon the company in the upper room, and through them into the world in exact fulfilment of the Lord's words, "I will send Him unto you. And He will convict the world." (John xvi. 7, 8).

The law of the Holy Spirit's working has not changed, and we should doubtless find, were we able to see all as known to God, that He has had His "120" in Wales, prepared by Him to be channels for the outflowing Spirit in this great awakening. It is important for the children of God in other countries to realise this, so that they may yield themselves to Him, that through them He may send rivers of life to " all nations" in this day of His power.

Let us look again from the Mount of God, and watch the way that the lifestreams began to break out in divers places.

We will turn our eyes first to Cardiganshire, to a little township called New Quay, lying on the fringe of Cardigan Bay, and fifteen miles from a railway station. Here in this out-of-the-way place the Lord had quietly been preparing instruments for the coming Pentecost.

With one of the strange coincidences which makes partnership with the Holy Ghost in service more romantic than any earthly romance, the Allseeing Lord ordained that one of the mightiest rivers should have its rise in the native place, and childhood's church, of one of the ministers who asked of God at Keswick blessing for his native land!

In the momentous year of 1902 a minister in New Quay—whose great grandfather was one of the first band of preachers organised by Howell Harris—had been aroused to spiritual need by the words of a friend from India, and of another who told him he feared he was "backsliding," as he noticed the absence of pathos in his voice when preaching! Aroused to a sense of need for greater blessing in his ministry, he sought this through Bible Study and books on prayer, until at last he entered into a fuller life in reading Dr. Andrew Murray's book, "With Christ in the School of Prayer."

The conviction grew upon him that the Spirit of God alone must save the church and the world. Meeting another minister in November, 1903, they exchanged confidences over the burden on their hearts about the churches, and their need of more abundant life. Neither of these brethren had attended the Llandrindod Conference, but after prayer they determined to recommend to the Presbytery that a Convention for the deepening of the spiritual life be held. The Missioners chosen were three, who received, to use the words of one, "fresh inspiration at Llandrindod." In the choice of these messengers God again showed Himself far above the ways of men. The whole district of South Cardiganshire is essentially Welsh, scarcely more than one English chapel being within a radius of twenty to thirty miles, yet one speaker was a minister who rarely preached in anything but English, the other was one who never preached in Welsh, and the third—the wife of one—a lady who had never spoken in public, excepting once at the " Forward Movement" meetings following the Conference at Liandrindod ! The Convention was for delegates, and there was only one public meeting, but at this meeting, through the words of the handmaid of the Lord, the heart of a young girl was touched, the consequences of which she, or others, little dreamed of at the time.

Meanwhile the Pastor of the church had been moved of God in the same November (1903) to commence a Young People's Meeting in order to counteract the worldly spirit growing among them. One Sunday evening in January, 1904, the pastor preached from the text "This is the victory that overcometh the world." He was strangely drawn out to describe the world as he saw it then depicted before his spiritual vision. To his private house that evening the afore-mentioned young girl wended her way. Shy and retiring, she knew not how to tell him the burden on her soul. She walked up and down outside the house for half-an-hour, and then, gaining courage to enter, said, "Oh, how can I tell you! I cannot live like this. I saw the 'world' in your sermon to-night. I am under its feet. Help me." After some conversation the Pastor found that she thought she was saved, but she was afraid to yield entirely to the Saviour, and own Him as Lord. "He may ask me things difficult," she said, and she would not that night commit herself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

On the following Sunday morning, in February, 1904, the Spirit of God bade the Pastor introduce some new feature into the Young People's Meeting held after the morning service, and then it came to him to ask for testimony, definite testimony, as to what the Lord had done for their own souls.

One or two rose to speak, but it was not testimony. It was just then that the same young girl— shy, nervous, intelligent—stood up in tears, and with clasped hands simply said with deep pathos, "Oh, I love Jesus Christ with all my heart." Instantly the Spirit of God appears to have fallen upon the gathering, and all were deluged with tears. It was the beginning of the visible manifestation of the Spirit breaking out in life-streams which afterwards would touch thousands of souls.

As at Pentecost, the blessing was soon noised abroad. Doors began to open on every hand, and the young people, led by their minister, conducted meetings throughout the south of the county, the Lord working with them in manifest power. But as yet the world knew little of what was going on.

In August, 1904, the second Convention at Llandrindod took place, when the testimony meeting revealed how deep a work had been wrought in 1903. A minister, writing to the "Goleuad "—a Welsh paper—said that at the 1904 Conference many saw a door of hope for revival in Wales in the near future." Referring to the testimony meeting he said :— "It was a luxury to hear ministers and laymen giving expression to the change that had taken place in their ministry and in their own personal lives since the Convention of 1903. Reference was made to a more intense consecration, to habits set aside, to a fuller dependence on the power of the Holy Ghost, and the many souls born in consequence thereof. Some testified that the Bible was a new book to them; others that prayer was easier and more powerful than it used to be . . . . .It is manifest that better days are about to dawn, and blessed are those believers who are willing now to consecrate themselves as worthy mediums for the Holy Ghost in the next revival."

The Spirit of God broke forth again in glorious power that momentous week in 1904, and none will ever forget the closing morning meeting, when overcome by the revelation of the fullness of redemption purchased for the sinner by Jesus Christ our Lord, with hands raised and bowed heads, the audience sang again, and again, and again, "Crown Him Lord of all." Neither will the message that night on '' Exuberance of life in Jesus Christ '' ever be forgotten. Truly God was leading His people into open vision of Himself, and preparing them for the exuberant life which He has since shown in object-lesson before the eyes of the world. All through 1903 and 1904 the underground currents were quietly deepening and sometimes breaking out to the surface, until the time drew near when the flood-gates opened and the Spirit of God broke out upon the land as a "tidal-wave" sweeping all things before it, or, to use another figure, as a "forest fire" consuming all things it touched. We have seen the beginning of the life-streams in New Quay in February, 1904. Let us follow to their churches some of the ministers who entered into the Spirit-filled life in August, 1903. They tell of a midnight prayermeeting at the 1904 Conference, when they all consecrated themselves afresh to God for His use, and definitely asked the Lord to raise up some one to usher in the Revival! A month later two of their churches were in the midst of a mighty awakening, when scores were converted! One returned to his people, and urged upon them the fullness of the Spirit for every believer. This soon aroused attention, and the subject became talked about by the colliers at work. Some opposed, but some yielded, and several young men surrendered to be possessed by the Holy Ghost. At the end of September prayer-meetings began to be held on every week-night, until the schoolroom was filled, and they had to adjourn to the chapel, where again they gathered every night for three weeks longer. The prayer-meetings were then intermingled with testimony meetings, and afterwards special services were held conducted by one of the ministers who had entered the Spirit-filled life. At these fifty found the Saviour, and large numbers of young people received in actual experience their "Pentecost." By the end of the year one hundred and twenty souls were added to the Lord.

Another minister who entered the Spirit-filled life in 1903 returned to his church fervently praying for an outpouring of the Spirit, and slowly signs began of better things approaching. People in the church who had taken offence with each other were reconciled. Unity prepared the way of the Lord, and then on November 20, 1904, the Spirit of God broke out. The Pastor had been preaching at a mission station in the morning, but passing the mother-church on his way home, he entered, and found the service still on. Something had occurred! There was not a dry eye in the place! The people were shedding tears and smiling at the same time. One of the elders, in a broken voice, said that they had experienced a most wonderful meeting. The Holy Spirit had come in such mighty power that they decided to dispense with Sunday school and sermons and spend the day in prayer and praise. "Under normal conditions it would be necessary to give due notice of re-arrangements of this kind, and to have them sanctioned by a church meeting," writes the Pastor, " but now the Holy Spirit took possession heeding not our arrangements, and no one had the courage or the desire to protest!" From this time meetings were held every night, and some of the young people became possessed by the Spirit to such a remarkable degree that the "Acts of the Apostles became more intelligible" to all. Many were led into full surrender to Christ as King, and gave soul-stirring testimonies. Those who had hitherto taken but a passive interest in the work of the church sprang forward, and became bold witnesses for Christ. Open-air meetings were organised when even young women raised their voices in testimony, and those who had been too diffident to take part in public service, now did not hesitate to speak even to drunkards coming out of public-houses, and kneel down and pray for them in the open streets.

Another minister returned to his church bearing witness to the Spiritfilled life, and signs of blessing began in September, 1903, as a deep thirst for better things slowly grew among the members. In July, 1904, the Pastor commenced a special meeting after the ordinary evening service, particularly for those who desired to live the Spirit- filled life. The Holy Spirit came upon that meeting in such manifest power that all present were overwhelmed, and remarkable testimonies were afterwards given by many. On a later Sunday evening, the Spirit of God broke forth again in the ordinary service. Strong men were broken down, and said afterwards that they felt as if they must shout to relieve their pent-up feelings. Several young men gave themselves to Christ in this service. Sunday after Sunday the place was filled by the Holy Ghost, and several conversions took place. At the close of one service held in October all who desired to consecrate themselves to the Lord, and go out and seek the lost, were asked to meet in the schoolroom, and here the "Revival" began. Souls were saved night after night for weeks succeeding.

"But," writes the Pastor, "although we had completed ten weeks of prayer meetings, and many souls were gathered in, I still felt the church as a whole had not received her Pentecost. Early in December 1904, in a memorable prayer meeting several crossed the line, and entered the promised land. Some men were so literally filled with the Spirit that others could have said 'They are drunk with new wine.' A great passion for souls took possession of many hearts from this time, and in one week seventy souls were gathered in. Many made public confession of sins, and consecrated themselves to Christ. After 11 o'clock one Saturday night ten men yielded to the Saviour, and over one hundred and fifty confessed Christ ere 1904 closed. The whole movement without doubt had its origin in my own awakening. After I surrendered all conscious sin and yielded entirely to Christ, a new power was immediately felt in my ministry. Now I have a NEW church, with a large number of men and women who have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and are used to win souls."


Chapter IV.

New Quay In September, 1904

The Blaenanerch Convention
- The Spirit-Baptism Of Evan Roberts
- Loughor In November, 1904
- The Tidal Wave And Its Results.

"The waters were risen, waters to swim in." EZEK. xlvii. 5.

We now go back to Cardiganshire to watch the outcome of the blessing given at New Quay in February, 1904. In September, 1904, the Rev. Seth Joshua, the Connexional Evangelist of the "Forward Movement," visited New Quay for a Mission, and found the Holy Spirit working in such a remarkable way that he at once said he felt it betokened a great Revival. The Presence of the Spirit in the meetings was like the "wind" moving upon the people. The singing, prayers, testimonies, and exhortations were all full of vital breath. The meetings would be closed two or three times, but others would cry for mercy or break out in joyful thanksgiving. Strong men and women wept under the power of a young girl's prayer. Many of the young people had manifestly received a baptism of power. The love among the believers was intense, and the tenderness of prayer for others irresistible.

From New Quay the Evangelist went to Newcastle Emlyn, wherein there was a Preparatory School for students for the ministry. At the services conducted by Mr. Joshua some students manifestly received the power of the Holy Ghost, among whom was Sydney Evans, the fellow-student and friend of the one whom God had been preparing as a special instrument for the Pentecost of blessing now close at hand.

In the same Preparatory School was Evan Roberts, a young collier student of twenty-six years of age, preparing to enter the ministry. For eleven years he had prayed for a "Revival," and for thirteen years he had prayed for the fullness of the Spirit.

Just a word dropped by a deacon in a church-meeting thirteen years before, caused him to determine to know the Holy Ghost. "Be faithful," said the deacon. "What if the Spirit descended, and you were absent!" So through all weathers and difficulties, refusing to be tempted by the boys and the boats on the river near his home, the lad wended his way to prayer meeting, and other chapel services, year after year.

Evan Roberts came from a typical Welsh home, and is the son of godly parents. At twelve years old he became his father's right hand in the mine, and shortly afterwards commenced regular work underground in the colliery. He was never without his Bible, which he studied in the intervals of work, and so the time went by, until one night in the spring of 1904 God seems to have drawn near to him in a very special way. He says that as he prayed by his bedside at night, he was taken up into a great expanse—without space or time—into communion with God.

This was manifestly a crisis in his spiritual life, for hitherto, he says, God was to him " a far-away God," and he was afraid of Him. But after this the Lord awakened him night after night, a little after one o'clock, and took him up into Divine fellowship for about four hours. He would sleep until nine o'clock, when again he would be rapt in communion with God until about noon in the day.

Three months this sacred fellowship lasted, and then came the time— September, 1904—for him to go to the Preparatory School at Newcastle Emlyn.

In the providential leadings of God just at this time a Convention was being held at Blaenanerch, some eight miles from Newcastle Emlyn, the messengers with the Loid's message being the same three who had been sent to New Quay at the close of 1903.

The Rev. Seth Joshua had now commenced his Mission, and on the Thursday morning took a party of about twenty young people, including a group from New Quay, Evan Roberts, and Sydney Evans, to Blaenanerch to attend the meetings. The Lord wrought in the brake on that early morning drive as they sung, "It is coming—It is coming—The power of the Holy Ghost—I receive it—I receive it—The power of the Holy Ghost" Singing and praising, they reached Blaenanerch in time for the seven o'clock service which was being conducted by one of the Missioners. Evan Roberts was already deeply moved, but he quite broke down when at the close Mr. Joshua led in prayer, and used the words "Plyg ni, O Arglwydd "—" Bend us, O Lord." The soul in travail heard no words but these. "This is what you need," whispered the Spirit of God. "Bend me, 0 Lord," he cried, but even yet the fire had not fallen. At the nine o'clock meeting the Spirit of God led one and the other to pray, and then Mr. Roberts says:— "I fell on my knees with my arms over the seat in front of me, and the tears freely flowed. I cried, 'Bend me! Bend me! Bend us!' What bent me was God commending His love, and I not seeing anything in it to commend." The Holy Ghost had come and melted his whole being by a revelation of the love of God at CALVARY, for "God commendeth His own love to us in that—Christ died for us."

The young man returned to Newcastle Emlyn and prayed God to give him the seal of six others set on fire of God, and—the six were given. Then the Holy Spirit bade him return to his own people, and speak to them, but he did not obey, although he grew more and more troubled and ill at ease. One Sunday in chapel he could not fix his mind on the service, for always before him—as in a vision—he saw the schoolroom in his own village, and all the young people and his old companions sitting in rows whilst he addressed them. He tells how he shook his head impatiently, and sought to drive all this away, but God would give him no rest; back and back it came whilst the Holy Spirit whispered clearer and clearer, "Go and speak to these people."

At last the pressure grew stronger, until he could no longer resist, and he said he would go. Instantly the glory of the Lord so filled the chapel that he could not "see for the glory of that light."

After this the young man went to an aged minister to ask him whether this was of God or the devil, when he replied that the devil was not given to sending people to work like this—he must obey the heavenly vision. And to Loughor the young student went in obedience to the voice of God. What God wrought through him we shall see later on. We will first pause a moment to see how God answers prayer. In the brake that morning on the way to Blaenanerch, Mr. Joshua told how it had been laid upon him four years before, to ask the Lord definitely to take a lad from the coalmine or from the field, even as He took Elisha, to revive His work in Wales. He prayed God to raise an instrument whereby human pride might be humbled—not one from Cambridge, lest it would minister to their pride, nor one from Oxford University lest it would feed the intellectualism of the Church. Not once had this prayer been mentioned until this morning, and it was then revealed, little knowing that the very instrument chosen of God was listening to the words.

Let us recall, too, the midnight prayer meeting at Llandrindod just two months before, when the Lord was asked to raise some special instrument to usher in the Revival. Yes, God answers prayer.

To Loughor, his native place, early in November, 1904, Evan Roberts went. He says that he consulted the Pastor of his church, who told him that he might try and see what he could do, but he would find the ground stony and the task hard!

The young people came together, and they all sat before him as he had been shown by God. At first they did not seem touched, but presently the Spirit of God began to work, and six came out for Christ. Then the "Pentecost" began. Soul after soul came forward, and the most extraordinary results followed. The whole community was shaken. Meetings lasted until four in the morning, and at six the people would be awakened by the sounds of the crowds going to the early morning prayer meeting. The work went on until, a local minister said, the entire population had been transformed into a praying multitude. Men and women of whom he had despaired had voluntarily come to Christ. The lives of hundreds of colliers and tinplate workers were transformed. The men went straight to chapel from the mills, and the public-houses were practically deserted.

On November 10th the first public reference to these remarkable scenes was made in a Welsh secular paper, which, from this time, to the wonderment of all, devoted columns to the reporting of the work, and did much in the providence of God to noise abroad that which God was doing among His people. Other secular papers did the same, and all men marvelled at the sovereign power of God in thus moving the secular Press to report the work of God! From Loughor, the Revivalist, as the young student began to be called, went on to Trecynon and other places, manifestly carried on the crest of a mighty wave of the Spirit, which swept like a cleansing tide along the mining valleys of Glamorganshire. Everywhere the people thronged in multitudes to hear this Spiritbaptized young student! At Loughor he spoke, it is said, with impassioned oratory, but once the overflowing stream had broken out the Spirit of God appeared to put aside "preaching" and use the voice of testimony. "YE slew, hanging Him on a tree, Him did God exalt," and " we are witnesses," was the burden of the message of the Spirit-possessed souls in the days of Pentecost. And this was the Holy Spirit's message through His people, as He bore co-witness by "signs and wonders" wrought amongst the thronging multitudes.

Under the constraint of an unseen power the chapels were filled with eager people at all hours of the day, and the services took their own course under the control of the Holy Ghost, presiding as the "executive power of the Godhead." Prayers, testimonies, and singing broke out in seeming disorder, yet acknowledged by all to be the most harmonious order. The Revivalist would enter during the meeting, sometimes unknown to those present until he rose with some word to the people. The burden of his message would be, "Obey the Holy Ghost," and when one in the meeting would break out into prayer whilst he was speaking, he would calmly "give place," and show to others his acknowledgement of the presidency of One greater than he.

At some point perhaps Mr. Roberts would "test" the meeting, and put to it the four definite steps necessary to salvation, which, he said, the Holy Spirit had given to him to urge upon the people.

  1. The past must be made clear by sin being confessed to God, and every wrong to man put right.

  2. Every doubtful thing in the life must be put away.

  3. Prompt and implicit obedience to the Holy Ghost.

  4. Public confession of Christ. Forgiveness of others as an essential to receiving the forgiveness of God was often emphasised, as well as the distinction between the Holy Spirit's work in conversion, and in baptising the believer with the Holy Ghost.

In truth, the Revivalist was giving the full Gospel as preached at Pentecost, and like Peter's message, it received the co-witness of the Holy Ghost, and produced Pentecostal results. "Repent "—change your mind toward God, and put away wrong to your neighbour. "Remission" of sins will then be given you, and ye shall "Receive" the Holy Ghost if ye will obey Him, and publicly bear witness to Christ.

Indescribable scenes took place at the meetings. Sometimes a very torrent of prayer, and then of song, would sweep over the audience, and hundreds of souls would rise to declare their surrender to God, the congregation bursting out into joyous thanksgiving in hymns of gladness. But the Revivalist's special burden always was the "Church." "Bend the Church, and save the world," was his cry." The word "bend" in Welsh conveying the meaning of submission to God, and the taking away of resistance to His will. And his one aim seemed to be first to get the Christians right with God so that the Spirit might break out in converting power upon the unsaved. And CALVARY was the power both for sinner and saved. The Revivalist would break down in heart-anguished sobbing when he touched the theme. "You would not be cold if you had come here by Calvary," he would say. "Thanks, thanks for Calvary," was the burden of many prayers. The hymns rang with Calvary, the one most often sung was "Pen Calfaria "—the Mount of Calvary—an exultant song of triumph telling of Christ's victory over death and hell at the Cross.

Another hymn sung with melting power was "Dyma Gariad "—" Here is love vast as the ocean." The people sang without books, for these hymns had been in their memories from childhood, but now quickened and used by the Spirit they rang out as never before. Many of the "sweet singers of Wales" were drawn by the Spirit of God into His service, and often would be heard a sweet warbling voice like a nightingale's trill breaking out into a hymn whilst the people were bowed in prayer. A "Singing Revival" it truly became. Souls were sung to Christ, and exulted over in song when won. The spirit of gladness and praise filled all hearts, as thousands rejoiced in a new-found assurance of salvation. The Spirit of God did His own work of convicting, and many were the evidences of His power working through hymn and testimony. A young man would return his prize medal and diploma because he had gained it unfairly. A grocer would return money picked up in his shop, and kept although knowing the one who dropped it. Long-standing debts were paid. Stolen goods returned. Prize - fighters, gamblers, publicans, rabbit-coursers, and others of the class rarely touched by ordinary means came to Christ, and quickly the world knew the results. Magistrates were presented with white gloves in several places because there were "no cases." Publichouses were forsaken. Rowdiness was changed to soberness. Oaths ceased to be heard, so that, it was said, in the collieries the horses could not understand the language of their drivers. The reading of light literature was exchanged for Bible reading, and shops were cleared of their stocks of Bibles and Testaments. Prayer-meetings were held in collieries underground, in trains and trains and all kinds of places. All the world bore testimony to these practical evidences of the power of God. "Seeing the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it." "A notable miracle hath been wrought . . and we cannot deny it," said many an one previously sceptical of the practical power of the Christian faith. Managers of works bore witness that the amount of work turned out by the men since the "Revival" had been more than they had known for years, and Magistrates did not hesitate to make known their approval of the ethical fruits of the awakening. Far and wide the influences spread, affecting all classes. Miners' Associations decided to hold their conferences no longer on licensed premises. Political meetings had to be postponed, and Members of Parliament were found taking part in "Revival meetings." Football teams were disbanded because the men had been converted, and had other attractions now. From one district a Theatrical Company felt it necessary to depart, as there was no hope of audiences, for all the "world" was praying. With one accord the converts put aside the "drink," and the temperance workers saw the Spirit of God accomplish in three months what they had laboured to do for forty years! At the conclusion of a service dozens of young men would be seen marching to the front to sign the pledge.

The mighty tidal wave swept hither and thither— men knew not how or why. The Spirit of God found His own channels; and districts unvisited by Mr. Evan Roberts had extraordinary manifestations of the power of God. Lists of converts were sent to the newspapers, giving a record of professed conversions of over 70,000 names by December, 1904—just two months only since the life-streams broke out at Loughor, the number reaching over 85,000 by the end of March, 1905! Many of the young people were thrust out by the Lord to share in the service—Mr. Sydney Evans, Mr. Dan Roberts and many others, leading Revival meetings with the manifest blessing of God. Visitors from all parts of Britain and the Continent began to flock to Wales to see the "great sight" of God breaking forth in supernatural power upon the sons of men.


Chapter V

The Overflowing Streams Through Divers Channels

How The Holy Spirit Wrought In Many Centres—The
General Effect On The Churches.

"Every thing shall live whithersoever the river cometh."—Ezek. xlvii. 9.

THE glimpses we have had into the preparatory work of the Spirit explains why the river of God appeared to break out in so many districts at the same time in November, 1904. Taking a bird's-eye view of South Wales, we might go to centre after centre, and watch the rising tide. In Carmarthen we find the Spirit of God at work in preparation for months beforehand, some of the ministers of the town having entered the Spirit-filled life in 1903, one afterwards being one of the missioners at the New Quay Convention, and in many others in the months that followed, as well as at Blaenanerch in September, 1904.

A drawing together of the Free Churches in unity was the first preparation of the Spirit, until early in November He began to manifest His presence in supernatural power. A Convention for the deepening of the spiritual life had been convened by the united churches, but on the Sabbath evening preceding the Convention, in three places of worship in the town the Spirit of God broke out, strong men weeping, and young and old praying and praising in a most unheard of fashion.

On the Monday night in one church about eighty adults were studying Luke iv. in a Bible Class, when suddenly there grew upon the whole company a vision of Christ unique in His Person and claims. All fell to praying and praising God unaware to themselves, crying with joy and praying, as one said, "as if our souls would escape from our bodies." The Convention was held the same week, and another the week after, in Welsh only, for the benefit of the country churches, when delegates came in large numbers, and here indeed the flood-gates of heaven were opened. Between the meetings that second week, it was said that in every class-room and available corner of the chapel grounds, groups of women, young people, ministers or elderly men were seen in prayer, many sobbing and pleading with God in utter oblivion of all that was around. That night the whole congregation marched in procession to the market square for a jubilant open-air service of praise.

In Morriston we hear of the minister of one church, consisting of over five hundred members, deeply burdened over his people—so burdened that he had sent in his resignation, and determined to seek a secular calling. There had been trouble among the deacons, and a meeting was called to deal with the offending officers. But at this stage the Pastor came across John McNeil's (of Australia) book on "The Spirit-filled life." It was a message from God to him, and revealed his need. Just then he heard of the Revival flame bursting out at Mountain Ash, and he went across to one of the meetings. At the close of the service, alone in a back street, he surrendered fully to God, and on the following Sunday told his people what had happened to him. The Spirit of God at once broke out. The Pastor's resignation was not accepted. The deacons had no need to be dealt with. The overflowing stream reached many souls until, on the last Sunday of 1904, one hundred and thirty-eight were received into church fellowship, one hundred and eighty-five converts being registered in five weeks.

In another district, not far from Loughor, the Vicar of the parish tells of an indefinable influence at work for some time before November, which very quickly rose into full tide when the Spirit of God broke forth in the land. He writes that at the opening services of the parish church on November 14 there was not a single dry eye among the congregation, and yet no Revival services had been held. Two laymen in this church seem to be men filled with the Spirit, having great power in prayer and utterance. About seventy have been led to the Saviour. After-meetings are held, when quite boys and girls, twelve years old and upwards, pray or sing, and a marvellous change is seen in the lives of the people.

In Swansea and district we hear of church after church, both Church of England and Nonconformist, where the Spirit of God broke out in rivers of life. In some cases unexpectedly, and in others after long and faithful preaching of the Gospel of Calvary, and the fulness of the Spirit for every believer as promised by the Lord.

In the Neath district we find the Holy Spirit moving in a large mission hall holding two thousand people. The Pastor received the "anointing" some thirteen years ago, and hence was ready for the tide when it came. Hearing of the blessing at Loughor, early in November, a fortnight's prayer-meetings were at once held asking God to send a Pentecost upon the work. During the fortnight of prayer the Spirit of God dealt with the church members, and then, at the Sunday evening service, the blessing broke out. At the close of his address, ere the Pastor could even ask for decisions, men and women rose from the crowded congregation amidst intense stillness and no excitement, and pressed into the enquiry rooms until they were filled, and one hundred and nineteen souls had found the Lord. Thirty-eight souls were given the next night, and the reaping went on until over a thousand converts were gathered in, amongst whom were many men and women who never went to a place of worship; many who had been to prison; drunkards, prize-fighters, gamblers, and one clog dancer who had won gold medals in his calling. Women quite drunk would stagger into the meetings, and be soundly converted whilst standing in the hall. How truly the work was of God was seen in many cases. One publican offered a convert a fortnight's free "drink" if he would break away, but he answered "No, I have had enough of it, for it kept me in Swansea jail." Another man passing a public-house saw the landlady come out and hold up a pint of beer, saying, "Come along," but the convert held up his Bible and replied, "No, we're going with this now. This is the key to heaven, and that to hell!"

Other churches in this town have also much to tell of the Lord's grace and blessing.

In the Bridgend district we find again the Spirit of God at work many months before the spiritual high-tide came upon the land. Several of the ministers received the power of the Holy Ghost in August, 1903. One was the Pastor of a prominent church, the worldly reputation of which was an almost insuperable obstacle to aggressive Christian work. When he entered the Spirit-filled life his church immediately felt the change. Some members were attracted, whilst many declared the standard of life to be too high. At last in 1904 there commenced remarkable "demonstrations of the Spirit," and the Spirit of God faced the Pastor with the painful duty of dealing personally with the officers of the church. Among the deacons was an able solicitor, a man well-known in his profession, and prominent in the political world, whose whole life (afterwards acknowledged by himself) was an utterly worldly one. A private interview was arranged, when the Lord stood with the faithful Pastor, and spoke through him in such power that the deacon was broken down, and came as a penitent to the foot of the Cross. Not many days after he called together his fellowdeacons, and told them he had found Christ, and was a new man. The same testimony was given to the Bible Class, and afterwards to the public congregation, and each time he spoke of the mercy of the Lord, and the music which filled his heart, his hearers were deeply moved. His fellowdeacons at once consecrated themselves to the Lord, and the effect upon the church was as the "breaking down of an obstructing dam up among the sources of power." A flood-tide of the Spirit broke out among the congregation, and a fervent piety and passion for souls took the place of the former deadness. Not only was the church blessed, but the conversion of such a soul—like Saul of Tarsus— produced great effect in the district. He publicly confessed that the change meant to him the whole outlook of life transformed, affecting his home and his business, and in the latter sphere his numerous publican clients were requested to find another advocate for their interests.

It was not long after this that the church had its "Pentecost." On a sabbath morning the Pastor had read the second Chapter of Acts when a woman rose and said, "Let me seal that with my testimony," and then she told how the Lord had come to her in the night, and told her He had given her a mission to speak for Him.

The husband sat by her side sobbing, as the woman spoke with her face lit up, for the first time in public. Testimonies followed until the whole church was moved. At night the Spirit of God so wrought among the people that in different parts of the building many were falling on their knees crying out, whilst rough men of the town rose from every side, and accepted Christ. This Pentecost Sunday was followed by a steady work of the Spirit among Church members and the unsaved. Scores of enquirers poured in, week by week, drawn by the Spirit of God, many of them characters long ago pronounced as "hopeless," and it has been an affecting sight to see the solicitor and leading politician pleading with rough and fallen men and women, as a brother, and a fellow sinner, God using him mightily in winning souls to Christ. No less than one hundred and fifty converts have been gathered in to this church, giving every token of a deep inward change of heart.

In another district, the river of life broke out some time in the middle of November. Preparatory work was done in July last by the visit of one of the ministers who knew the Indwelling Spirit. Many members of the church then entered the Spirit-filled life, and were prepared to understand the work of the Spirit when He came in Pentecostal power. A marvellous prayer-meeting one Saturday night in November preceded the opening of the flood-gates of heaven, and it was not long before two hundred and sixty converts were added to the church. Added to the blessing among the unsaved, many of the Christians who had opposed the message of the Spirit-filled life in July, now publicly confessed that they had been wrong, and some gave remarkable testimonies of the Holy Spirit's working in their lives.

In Dowlais the river of life had commenced to flow some time back in the summer of 1904 through the visit of some to New Quay. In one Dowlais church, the Pastor writes that for months past the "visits paid" to the church by the Holy Spirit were "wondrously powerful and significant." At several distinct periods the congregation without ~ any apparent reason would simultaneously burst into tears. Often had the Pastor himself sought with tears at the throne of grace a greater influx of power in his own life. At the close of the month of August 1904, three ministers who knew the Spirit-filled life conducted services in the church, when many received the filling of the Spirit after a definite surrender to Christ, and God at once began to use them powerfully. The Pastor writes that his own life became a radically changed one, the spiritual 7 sphere becoming to him transfigured and very real. The river of life flowed on from that time in August, and conversions took place at every meeting until, by the close of 1904, one hundred and seventy had been added to the Lord, and believers were continually being brought into full surrender to Christ, and the knowledge of the Indwelling Holy Ghost.

Passing on to Monmouthshire the Pastor of one church writes that after his return from the 1904 Llandrindod Conference not a prayer meeting, church meeting, or any other service took place without the message concerning the whole-hearted reception of the Spirit being urged upon his people, until in October two ministers in the experience of the Spiritfilled life came to conduct special services, when the whole church was transformed, the entire diaconate receiving blessing. Seventy-four converts were also gathered in, and in the afternoon meetings for Christians, three women who came from another Church, entered into the fulness of blessing, receiving a baptism of love for souls. These became channels of the life-streams in their own church, where two hundred converts were quickly won to Christ.

In another district we find special services of the same class, when everyone who attended the afternoon meetings surrendered fully to Christ, and received the Holy Ghost, whilst souls were brought to Christ at every meeting. These services were held at the very time that the Spirit of God broke out at Loughor.

In Cardiff, with one of the romantic coincidences so frequently experienced by souls led of the Spirit, we find in October, 1904, a great Mission conducted by the very one called out from the prayer-company in Chicago for the service of God in "world-wide revival," and there is evidence that he was used of God especially to ministers and workers in his messages concerning the Spirit-filled life. Thus was the Lord through many channels preparing His people.

When the high tide came upon the land later on, we find in Cardiff a most unique work of God in one centre, a large chapel being filled night after night with people of all classes, and some of the very hopeless outcasts of the town brought by the power of God into newness of life. Agnostics have given testimony to faith in Jesus Christ, and drunkards have been delivered from their bonds. Midnight meetings have been held revealing the horrors of sin, and the power of Christ to save. Other churches in the town have also been deeply moved by God, whilst at Penarth we find another centre of blessing, over six hundred converts being added to one church, drunkards, thieves, gamblers, and others had been rescued, and are now among the best workers in the service of Christ.

The Spirit broke out in November when no special evangelist had visited the Church, which had been praying for Revival for about two years. The Pastor tells how God prepared him by reading books on the Spirit-filled life, which life he entered upon at the aforesaid Mission in Cardiff in October.

These instances—and they are but instances of the way that the Spirit of God was working in places far distant from each other—show that He was moving in different parts of Wales at the same time, and the lifestreams which had been quietly rising appear to have silently joined their currents in November, 1904, and swept in "high tide" over the land. We find all sections of the Church affected by it, for the Holy Ghost is no respecter of denominations any more than persons, and He freely wrought in every place where He was welcomed when He began to work, and was given room.

We have summarized briefly some of the effects upon the masses and upon the world, in watching the course of the mighty river of God which swept from Loughor through the mining districts of South Wales. Let us now look out upon the whole of South Wales, and view the broad effects of the Pentecost upon the people of God.

What has the spiritual high-tide accomplished? It not only swept down the mining valleys as a torrent, cleansing and healing as it went, but it silently enveloped the machinery of the churches, and lifted them, so to speak, into a new spiritual sphere. The traditional bonds of years were broken. Prejudices of the past vanished. Not only in the meetings held by Revivalists, but in ordinary services, the Spirit of God—hitherto often considered but an influence—was honoured as the Third Person of the Trinity, and given His place of presidency over the church. Pastors allowed the services to take any form that might arise from the movement of the Spirit. Anyone might rise to speak or lead in prayer without fear, and sermons were put aside when the need arose.

In the overflowing tide denominational barriers between the people of God were submerged, as when the sea sweeps in upon the shore, and swallows up in its glorious fulness all the pools of sea-water separated far from each other on the sand. Wondrous scenes were witnessed that must have caused the heavenly spheres to ring with the joy of the angels. Churches on unbrotherly terms for many years were reconciled, and united meetings held, in one case the two ministers shaking hands before the people. In some districts—would God we could say all—clergy and their Free Church brethren freely met together in the worship of God. Families were re-united; long-severed friends reconciled; children were restored to parents; offended church members re-took their places among the people of the Lord. And in place after place the "Ministers' fraternal meeting" became fraternal in very truth, for hearts flowed together in true fellowship in the presence of the Lord.

With the spirit of unity and love, came also the spirit of sacrifice. Churches hitherto divided on the question unanimously decided to put away all danger to the weaker brethren in the using of fermented wine at the table of the Lord. In other churches large numbers of old members signed the pledge for the sake of the weaker ones rescued from the drinkfiend, and in another church we read of members vacating their own pews in the body of the building, and retiring to the gallery that the area might be used for the aggressive work of gathering in the souls. We find, also, a wondrous spirit of liberty, which strikingly bears the marks of Pentecost, for in the surcharged atmosphere in the upper room in Jerusalem, all began to speak! The young people, hitherto shy before their elders, have had their tongues loosed, to speak or pray without fear of rebuke. It is now no uncommon thing to see a young girl of eighteen speaking under the evident control of the Holy Ghost, whilst in the big pew sit ministers and elders, oftimes with tears coursing down their faces. The servants and handmaidens are prophesying, as foretold by Joel. Again we find that the prophesying takes the form of witnessing—the special mark of Pentecost. In Wales for many years it has been considered too sacred a thing to speak of the inner dealings of God, yet suddenly we see all changed, and sermons put aside for testimony, and public confession of what the Lord has done for the soul.

Another remarkable change is the attitude to the prayer-meeting! Hitherto shunted, as one said, for any social event, and none but elders, when called upon, solemnly took part! But now social events must stand aside for the prayer-meetings, which are more attractive than all else! The spirit of prayer, too, is given in a very travail for souls, and narrow bounds are swept away, as prayer is made for "all nations." We have referred elsewhere to the way that the Holy Spirit made Calvary the centre and source of blessing, and there are many traces of a remarkable revelation of the Cross to the "eyes of the heart"— Ephes. i. 18. An evangelist tells how he was praying with others in a certain house one day, when the Lord revealed himself to the servant-girl in a "clear vision of the Cross with herself at the base," and her "experience and power in the service which followed, was most touching." In a meeting too, at Carmarthen, a worker rose and asked why it was she saw the Cross of Calvary before her vision night and day.

There are other Pentecostal marks discernible in places where the Spirit of God has worked in mighty power, in "signs and wonders" being wrought among the people. "Signs and wonders" in miracles of physical deliverance for souls wrecked by the demon of strong drink. One convert who had been a gambler and drunkard, with his bodily frame shattered by his life, gave testimony that since the day of his conversion he had been perfectly restored to his normal health. Another, who had not been sober one "week-end" for thirty-five years, said he could not now smell alcoholic liquor without sickness—the revulsion was so great.

In this day of His power we find others, too, proving the healing power of God. A minister tells how he was taken ill in the midst of the work, but he appealed to the Lord, and found himself instantly healed! He did not hesitate to bear witness to this in a meeting, when quickly many others sprang to their feet, and said what the Lord had done for them in the same way, one being a minister's wife who entered the Spirit-filled life but a few months before. At one place, too, in a meeting the power of the Spirit was so intense, that the Missioners could not pray for deliverance for souls manifestly held in bondage by the evil one, but were constrained irresistibly to "command" the adversary to release his captives, and numbers were thus set free by the power of God.

If we speak of the converts swept in by the spiritual high-tide, we might describe them in the very words of Scripture! They who have "received the word" have "continued steadfastly" in "fellowship" and in prayers — great numbers being baptized and received to the table of the Lord. All I that "believe " now continue " with one accord" in the various church meetings, and are filled with "gladness" and "singleness of heart," for they have lost the desire for the things of the world which they have come out of, and long to fully serve the Lord! They are "praising God" with "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs," and are "having favour with all the people." And the Lord is "adding' to them day by day" others who also are "being saved."

But it must be remembered these converts are but babes, many utterly untaught, although born into the kingdom in this day of Pentecostal power. It remains for the Pastors to lead them on into the fulness of the life in the Spirit so that they become established in the knowledge of God, and the Church of God in Wales be in deed and truth after the pattern of Pentecost.


Chapter VI

The Life Streams In North Wales—Some Traces At

Ponkey In June, 1904—The Tidal Wave At Rhos,
November, 1904—The Healing Of The Breach At Bethesda.

Northward . . behold there ran out waters."—Ezek. xlvii. 2.

We have watched the rivers of living water breaking out in many directions in South Wales; let us now turn our eyes to North Wales, and see how the Divine Spirit has been working in the northern part of the Principality.

We will look into the district of Rhos, which has been as mightily moved as any part of Glamorganshire. We find that some signs of an awakening occurred as far back as June, 1904, at anniversary services in a church at Ponkey. One of the special preachers two months before had been to South Wales, and had come in contact with two of the ministers who entered into the Spirit-filled life in August, 1903, and returned to his northern home with his heart deeply moved, and fully persuaded that the experimental knowledge of the fulness of the Holy Ghost would usher in a "new era in the history of the Welsh ministry."

The following Sunday will long be remembered in the Church as their "Day of Pentecost." At the Sabbath morning service the Pastor asked for testimony instead of preaching his usual sermon, and a big sturdy man in the congregation rose and asked the minister if he would baptize him there and then on his profession of faith in Christ, and would he do it without doubting? The whole congregation was moved, and, to the music of his mother's prayer, the young man was baptized, shouting, "Praise God for the privilege of following Jesus before the Day of Pentecost is passed."

Another from the crowd followed this one, and an after-meeting was held, when a young man who was the "black sheep" of his family was seen on his knees in tears; whilst two young men in the choir, old friends of his, offered up praise and prayer, mingled with joyous tears. His father, who was present, shouted for joy, and thanked God that the Gospel had done what father and mother had failed to do! The whole congregation were sobbing aloud. At night the service was so extraordinary that the people lost all consciousness of time and place, the minister "lost his sermon," and relying upon the Spirit, was used in a remarkable manner. From this time on, prayer meetings were held every night during July, and the church was ready for the tidal wave which was to burst over the land in November.

In November, 1904, some churches at Rhos invited a South Wales minister to conduct special services for them—one who entered the Spirit-filled life in August 1903!

In giving the account of the extraordinary movement in Rhos, the correspondent of a Liverpool paper says:-

"If I had been asked a month ago whether a revival was probable in Wales I should have answered No. It seemed to me that the Higher Criticism had wrecked the ordinary machinery of a revival, and that until theology had been reshaped . . . nothing could be done to disturb the prevailing apathy, but oddly enough the Revivalist [Rev. R. B. Jones] is one who, according to his own story, was at one time deeply interested in the Higher Criticism, and preached the 'new theology.' He felt, however, emptiness and coldness in his sermons. Attendance at a Convention held in Liandrindod led to a crisis in his life. He felt himself to be a new man, and since then the writings of the higher critics have lost their attraction for him.''

The services at Rhos began on the very day that the Spirit of God broke out at Loughor through the ministry of Mr. Evan Roberts! They were held in the largest church, the united churches giving up their ordinary services for the time. The first week's meetings were devoted to dealing with the professing Christians, leading them to the removal of hindrances in the life, full surrender to Christ, and the reception of the Holy Ghost. At the close of the week Christian workers stood confessing their powerlessness, others their lack of assurance of salvation, and seventy professing Christians rose and walked to the vestry, in token of their full surrender to Christ. After this the flood-gates of heaven were opened, and the Spirit was poured out mightily. The congregations grew and grew until places of worship became unable to accommodate them. Thousands were eager to take part in the meetings. The "revival" had come! Four weeks after the Missioner had left, a Wrexham paper said that "the whole district was in the grip of an extraordinary spiritual force which showed no sign of relaxing its hold! " The meetings were carried on by the people themselves, although the ministers were present. From ten in the morning until six in the evening some meetings went on. From the lips of the humblest and lowliest poured forth passionate appeals in prayer which quickened the whole being. Men and women continually rose, often more than one at a time, to pray with a fervour which was inspiring. In the street, in the train, in the car, even in the public-houses, this strange power upon the town was, in hushed and reverential tones, the theme of conversation.

In the evenings there were great processions, joined in by all classes, marching through the town singing hymns, and occasionally stopping for prayer. The place was visited by great numbers of visitors, and prayer meetings held three times a day were attended by crowds, with souls coming forward to Christ at every meeting.

A minister writes at the end of March, 1905, that the general result has been that the churches are on a far higher level and in a spiritual atmosphere. He says that prize-fighters and the biggest drunkards of the place are among the converts, and many of the now most useful church workers have been lifted from the very depths of degradation; also that large bands of workers are now filled with the Saviour' s passion for souls. The Vicar of Rhos has thrown himself heart and soul into the work, and the Welsh church at Rhos has been the scene of a unique Revival prayer meeting. Every Free Church minister of the district was present, and the building was full to overflowing. The Vicar said he had attended many meetings, but never felt such a thrill of emotion as he did on this occasion; the walls and hedges of disunion had been broken down; they were now fully united and knew no distinction! The Baptist minister opened with prayer, and the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist minister closed the service. At Bangor the Spirit of God broke out in November, 1904, in one of the lowest and poorest parts of the city. Theological students have been at work here, led by a young Baptist student named Morgan Jones, who had been in the South Wales district, where the revival was at its height. In the afternoon the ministerial students from the Baptist and Congregational Colleges met together for prayer, and had wondrous times, and then at night proceeded to Kyffin Square—the "Whitechapel" of the Cathedral City. The Spirit of God has so wrought in this spot, in a little schoolhouse, that it is said that all the poor—very poor—inhabitants will be saved in a short time, and the character of the locality changed. The work of the Spirit in this poor centre has moved the churches of the town, and the people who "sat in darkness" have become the light to lighten the professing people of God.

In February, 1905, special services were held in Bangor by another of the South Wales ministers knowing the Spirit-filled life, when large numbers of professing Christians were brought to full surrender, and found for the first time full assurance of salvation. The Missioner found many of the theological students and others at the University manifestly filled with the Spirit of God. A memorable service was a consecration meeting held after the close of one of the public meetings, commencing about 10.30 and lasting until 2.30 a.m. About eighty believers were present, and the Spirit of God "fell" on everyone with overwhelming power.

It is at Bangor University College that we hear of a prayer-meeting in the "smoke-room," which arose through the humming of the familiar Welsh tune "Aberystwyth." The students present broke out into fervent singing, and all fell on their knees. Others came whistling or shouting to the room, opened the door, and saw the sight, and fled, or knelt among their kneeling comrades.

In Carnarvonshire, the movement of the Spirit appears to have been first manifested at Bethesda, the scene of the historical Peurhyn strike which produced social, domestic, and religious disunion.

"The records of the police-courts showed how families were divided, lifelong friendships were shattered, and so bitter was the feeling generated that in a large number of cases men would not worship together. Scenes sometimes occurred on the most solemn occasions, and those qualified to judge unanimously believed peace could not be restored during the present generation. But a week's "Revival" services held by a Wesleyan minister (Rev, Hugh Hughes) were greatly used of God. Old friends have been reconciled. Members of churches have returned to pray by the side of those who had driven them forth. Women who had summoned each other go together to the daily prayer-meeting where five hundred women gather every afternoon. Members of the same family who have not spoken to each other for two years now meet happily together. The meetings last practically from 2.30 in the afternoon until midnight. Visitors from other districts attend and carry back the blessing." (S.W. Daily News)

At Nantile Vale, in the south of the county, prayer-meetings were held, started voluntarily by the young people. Villages followed the example, so that practically by the middle of December the whole county might be said to be one great prayer-meeting.

The Isle of Anglesey was visited in January, 1905, by Rev. R. B. Jones, who conducted meetings at Holyhead, again dealing first with the Christians, and then through the believers brought into harmony with God, seeing the Spirit of God falling in converting power upon the unsaved. The Holy Spirit wrought mightily, and the services became a veritable Pentecost. A deacon confessed he had now received the baptism of the Spirit, which he had sought for ten years. About forty went to the vestry surrendering fully to Christ, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Many were quite prostrated by the intense presence of the Lord. At the close of the week, on the Sabbath morning, every single soul confessed a complete consecration to the Risen Lord, and some unsaved found the Saviour. The closing testimony meeting showed that the entire church had been lifted into a new atmosphere, and many had realised their "Pentecost." God had wrought marvellously in one week, and the church was a "new" church. The Pastor witnessed before his own people that he had entered into the experience of Galatians ii. 20, that the life of Christ might be manifested through him.

At Llanerchymedd the Missioner held only three days' meetings of the united churches. Again he dealt with the Christians, his message being "The Holiness of God." On the first evening sixty-seven souls were brought to Christ, and on the second night remarkable scenes took place. The Missioner, looking from the pulpit, saw a college student full length on the floor of the "big pew." Suddenly the young man arose, and putting his hand in his pocket, he took out his pipe, and publicly handed it to the Missioner. Another student was on his knees groaning aloud and crying "Oh God, give me strength; shall I have strength to do it?" Finally he, too, arose, and took out his pipe and his pouch from his pocket and threw them on to the pulpit desk. Others followed, until the whole of the desk was covered with pipes and pouches of tobacco, yet the Missioner had said no word about these things, but simply proclaimed the Holiness of God which demanded a holy life on the part of those He owned. Whilst these scenes were occurring the news was noised abroad, and people outside flocked in from their homes, and even the public-houses, until right up to 12.45 at night souls poured in to give themselves to God, no less than one hundred and eleven converts being gathered in at this one meeting.

At a consecration meeting on the Saturday morning two hundred came forward for definite surrender and the reception of the Holy Ghost, after being taught what it meant. Again the Spirit of God descended in power, for whilst they were on their knees in full surrender, the Spirit "fell" upon them, and all broke out in audible prayer at the same time. At Amlwch three days' united meetings were held, the message again being Isaiah vi., and the people were manifestly convicted by the Holy Ghost. When the messenger came to the "live coal from off the altar "— the cleansing fire from the place where the blood was shed, CALVARY— suddenly, without one word of explanation, the Spirit so unveiled the truth that the majority of the large congregation of twelve hundred people simultaneously sprang to their feet shouting "Dioich Iddo!" (" Thanks be to Him "), whilst the glory of the Lord so shone upon the pulpit that the Missioner fled to the vestry completely overcome.

At Cefnrnawr, near Rhos, the united churches held services in September, 1904, but it does not appear that the Spirit of God broke out in any torrential power until February, 1905, when a South Wales Minister visited the place. On the second night of the February services, the power of the Spirit became so intense that the Missioner was scarcely able to speak at times. Once the whole congregation burst out into singing, and then for a whole hour many gave testimony for the first time in their lives. The climax was reached on the Friday of that week, when sixty to eighty gave themselves wholly to Christ, making a complete surrender, and definitely accepting the Holy Ghost.

The Colleges of Wales have also been greatly moved. At Bala College, Professor Edwards says, that if ever he saw the subduing, melting, abasing, elevating effects of Divine power, he saw them now among his students.

Space forbids our attempting to record the movement in other parts of North Wales. We hear of three weeks' prayer-meetings in Merionethshire in the middle of December, the people uniting in prayer all over the villages and valleys of the county, until, at the Christmas season, a young man came home for his holidays from Glamorganshire—a changed man, praying for his old friends, and telling of the Lord's mighty working, until scarcely an unconverted "hearer" remained all through the valleys. Other messengers of God have been used by Him, some from South Wales, and others called out and equipped by Him for service in their own districts. We hear of a farmer's wife at Egryn, and a young quarryman, as well as numbers of university students.

Rev. Elvet Lewis says: "I am more than ever convinced that the 'half will never be told.' It is a continual surprise even to those who know the land and the people intimately. There may be a few remote places still untouched, but I have failed to hear of one."



The Message To The Church

The Object Lesson In Wales
—The Place Of Calvary In The Awakening.

He that believeth [into] Me . . out of the depths of his life shall pour torrents of living water. JOHN vii. 38, old Syriac.

As we review the story given in the previous pages the Pentecostal character of the Awakening in Wales is unmistakably clear, and we are encouraged to believe that the wider fulfilment of Joel's prophecy is at hand. Undoubtedly we are in a new era of the world's history, when we may expect supernatural workings of God such as have not been known since the days of the primitive Church.

Dr. Cynddylan Jones points out that the question "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed ?" is in the forefront to-day! It is a question loudly ringing out to the Church of God through the Awakening in Wales, with tremendous consequences to the world dependent upon its being truly faced by the people of God. It is the call to the Church, at the close of the dispensation, to arise and receive the Pentecostal clothing of the Spirit which is her birthright, and her need for effectual witness to Christ in the world. What God has done for Wales is an object lesson of what He is prepared to do for His people in every land, if they will seek His face, and obey the conditions for His Pentecostal working. This does not mean that the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself in exactly the same outward form as in Wales, nor sweep in seventy thousand converts in two months everywhere; but undoubtedly if true members of Christ in every nation, including missionaries among the heathen—be they few or many—were each to receive what God means by a baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, "signs and wonders" would follow in diversities of workings, according to the circumstances and conditions of the various lands. It has been truly said that the world cannot be "revived," for it is dead! A "world-wide revival" therefore means the quickening of the people of God into abundance of life. Were this to come about in every land the ''overflowing stream of the breath of God would quickly "sift all nations" (Isaiah xxx. 28), and make its own channels everywhere. But let us turn to Wales for light upon the laws which govern the Spirit's working so that the children of God may intelligently know how to cooperate with Him for the fulfilment of His purposes.

The object-lesson that stands out the clearest, and speaks the loudest, to the Church of God, is the fact that the Spirit of God moved upon the unsaved in converting power as soon as the Christians in a particular church, or specific meeting, were in harmony with God.

The instances we have given emphasise this lesson. We see how in one church after two weeks' prayer, when the Spirit dealt secretly with the professing Christians (as they afterwards testified), and as soon as all were right with God, the Spirit fell upon the public service, and large numbers of unsaved spontaneously arose and pressed in to the enquiry room, without any invitation! In another church we see that the Spirit of God could not work until the Pastor obeyed Him, and personally dealt with the hindrance among his officers, although it meant to him anguish of heart and many tears to obey. We find also in the crowded meetings in various places how the Revivalist was given by the Spirit of God sensitive knowledge of the hindrances to His working. How strange the "block," and cold the service, until the (1) curious spirit, (2) unreal spirit, (3) contentious, or unforgiving, spirit was removed, and how quickly these departed when confession was made, or prayer poured out to God, and how mightily the Holy Spirit would at once fall upon the people, and souls yield to Christ. Again, in the work in North Wales we see how whole districts were stirred after the Christians were brought into full surrender to God, and, entering the Spirit-filled life, were knit in perfect unity and fellowship with each other. "Bend the Church and save the world" is truly the message for today.

In past years God has been using great leaders; special instruments, called out and led into close fellowship with Him to receive His messages for the people, as He used Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel, and others; but it was not so at Pentecost. Then for the first time God brought a company of people so into union with Himself, and each other, that He could speak through, and flow out of, a number of souls as one. And on the Day of Pentecost the Lord's ideal—" that they may all be one; even as Thou Father art in Me and I in Thee "—began to be fulfilled, and shown to the world. At Pentecost the Spirit of God broke out upon the multitude, through a united company of people, all prepared by prolonged prayer—and nothing unites like prayer—and yielded wholly to Him.

The object-lesson in Wales shows that God works in the world when His people are right with Him. In brief, the members of Christ must be brought by the Spirit into full union with the Risen Head, and with each other—" in one Spirit were we all baptised into one body "—so that the Spirit of life may pour out into the world. In the darkest, loneliest, furthest corners of the earth, the most isolated child of God may share in the world-wide blessing, as the life-currents from Him who is Life eternal circulate freely throughout the Body of Christ, and overflow in exuberance of life on to the world lying in the shadow of death.

"Church of God, awake!" is now the call at the close of the dispensation. Oh, may all be given anointed eyes to see the vision! The secret is open before the people of God. The Spirit flows out upon the world as the people of God are brought into harmony with Him. And the work in Wales shows us that He does not wait for the Church as a whole thus to fall into line, but He will break out through single congregations, or specific gatherings, as they are brought into one accord with Him. In preparation for the rushing mighty breath upon the land, He dealt, as we have seen, with Pastors and people, lifting whole congregations into a spiritual sphere, and bringing large numbers of church members of all ages into the Spirit-filled life. May God go on to work deeply until, in this day of His power, the whole Church of God in Wales bears the marks of Pentecost, and the overflowing stream of the life of God flow on and on throughout the world, wheresoever it can find channels; channels of individual souls asking for the baptism of fire, and refusing to account the earnest of the Spirit which they have received in Easter Day blessing, as the clothing from on high given at Pentecost; and channels of churches, or groups of believers, seeking with one accord the outpoured Spirit as given to the company in the upper room in Jerusalem.

Again we learn in Wales from this same object lesson the meaning of atmosphere—a surcharged atmosphere. How mightily the Spirit works when the atmosphere is clear; how easy to speak and to pray when the Spirit fills the atmosphere! And this also is Pentecost, for in the upper room that day the rushing mighty breath filled the house, together with the believers, who were then environed by the Spirit, as well as indwelt by Him. It is this characteristic of the clothing, or environing, or covering, of the Spirit, which distinguishes the Pentecostal experience from the Easter Day blessing of "receiving the Holy Ghost." In other words, the Spirit upon for service, as the Spirit within for life. Souls thus environed in God carry with them, so to speak, their own "atmosphere," and quickly know an atmosphere wherein the Spirit is hindered or grieved. We have thought much of changed people, but how little have we understood the power of a changed atmosphere wherein the Holy Ghost may freely work. "There was no result in individual blessing, but a changed atmosphere" may be said after a Convention—yet this is the supreme thing after all, for in the cleansed and cleared atmosphere the Holy Ghost is able to work out His fullest purposes in souls.

Again, as we look to Wales, we see the place the Holy Ghost gives to Calvary, and we may be perfectly sure that no overflowing stream of life will come where the people of God are not in agreement with Him in His estimation of the death of His Son. As we recall the conditions preceding the first Pentecost, we cannot forget that CALVARY WAS A TERRIBLE FACT to each one of the little company in the upper room. There is no Pentecost without a preceding Calvary. The fire that touched Isaiah came from off the altar—Calvary. The fire that fell in answer to Elijah's cry came on the sacrifice on the altar—Calvary! "To-day there is one hill more effectually in sight than Snowdon—a hill 'without a city wall '—and as that hill comes more and more into sight crowned with its redeeming Cross, at times what bursts of song, at times what hush of awe." "What seems to me to lie at the heart is the unveiling of the Cross." "Unchanging Love as it shone and shines from the throbbing mysteries of the Cross." "The Cross stood unveiled and thousands looked, and men and women smitten with the grief and triumph of Calvary rise . . . writes one about the work in Wales. Yea, the Church is "bent" by the revelation of Calvary, and the Holy Ghost in Pentecostal power bears witness to the Cross. Nought but the supernatural working of God could have broken men at the feet of the Lord in the very city where He was crucified as an apparent criminal! And to-day, whilst men were discussing theories of the atonement, the supernatural witness from heaven was no less needed, and, blessed be God, has now been given. The world has seen before its eyes that the preaching of the Cross is in very truth the dynamic of the Gospel, and is the energy of God to actually and really save men from the bonds of sin. And what is of still greater consequence, the Church of God has been rallied, as by a voice from heaven, to the banner of the Cross. "We have been critics of the Bible when we should have been devotees. We have preached Christ as an ideal of sacrifice, but have left out His atonement for sin," said a well-known minister at a Conference in London; "Now, thank God, there is a return to the Book, and to Calvary;" and another said, "The Revival has brought us back to the Cross of Christ.'

We see, too, in Wales, the attractive power and the all-sufficiency of the Gospel to meet the needs of men. No "means of attraction" are necessary when the Holy Ghost fills and presides over the Church.

If these things are so, some will say, "This awakening in Wales should shake the world!" Yea, and it will shake the world within the limitations we see following the first Pentecost. If we carefully read the story in the Scriptures we find first 3,000, then 5,000, then "multitudes of men and women" added to the first few who met in the upper room. The Spiritfilled company grew, and the Holy Spirit presided over them in such intense reality that any sin was at once dealt with, so that "great fear" came upon the Church, and the people, as they realised the holiness of the God in their midst. The witnessing Church filled Jerusalem with the sound of their message, but by no means did all Jerusalem receive it! Many were unwilling to yield, and unprepared to let God have His way and upset their traditions. The "tidal wave" broke out in Jerusalem, and at once swept in all who would yield, but it must flow on to the world outside. That it could not do so without Spirit-filled souls is shown in that, at this point, the Lord had to permit a persecution to scatter His "channels" far and wide, and as they went the rivers flowed on to the nations. This is a pattern for us as we look at Wales to-day. The Spirit of God has swept through the Principality, and gathered many into the Kingdom— yet by no means has all Wales yielded to the Lord! The day of visitation will end, and the mighty tide pass on, as it passed in a comparatively short time from Jerusalem, leaving behind, as it did then, members of the Church to give their witness, and continue the work of the Lord. In closing, we cannot too earnestly urge upon the people of God the solemnity of this present visitation—we cannot hear about it, or come in contact with it, without effect upon our spiritual lives. God has shown to His people that He can work the same as at Pentecost in an unbelieving age. Will His people heed the lesson? Or will they turn away, and say, "Oh, yes, in Wales, but not here!

Let me ask my reader personally, "Have you received your Pentecost?" Is it true of you that out of the depths of your life God is pouring torrents of living water? If you answer, "I have sought, but no change has come," I would ask "Is Calvary real to you?" Calvary in its full-orbed meaning of Christ crucified for you, and you crucified with Christ! Again we would repeat, there is no Pentecost in spiritual experience without a preceding Calvary. We have not known our Pentecost because we have not known the full meaning of Calvary. We parted with our sins as the Spirit unveiled the Christ dying for us, but we have kept ourselves, and hence made no room for the Holy Ghost. We may "repent"; confess Christ, and seek to obey the Holy Ghost; yea, ask in faith, and believe we receive; but if we leave out the crucial condition of the Cross—which is the meaning of Peter's words "be baptized" as interpreted in their spiritual significance by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, "Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were BAPTIZED INTO HIS DEATH"—we may know some measure of the Holy Ghost in possession of the life, but not the torrential power of Pentecost which the Lord foreshadowed when He said, "Out of the depths of his life shall pour torrents of living water," (Old Syriac rendering).

And how may this be? Jesus stood and cried saying—" He that believeth into Me—out of—shall flow rivers . ." "At that day—the Day of Pentecost—ye shall know . . ye in Me and I in you." "Oh soul, yield thyself wholly to Me in a faith that will not keep back aught from Me, and the Eternal Spirit shall plant thee into My death," so shall I become thy life, and out of the depths—the deep springs of thy inner life—shall flow rivers, rivers, ankle deep; knee deep; loin deep; yea, even "waters to swim in," which shall bear thee, and submerge thee, as they sweep on and on and on, and "everything shall live whither the river cometh." "And He showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and the Lamb." (Rev. xxii. i). The hidden springs of the Awakening in Wales lie deep in the heart of God, thence breaking out to a dying world through the Cross of Calvary.

0 wondrous Cross!
"On the Mount of Crucjfixion
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide;
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And heaven's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love."



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